Salvation is from the Jews

When Jesus speaks with the Samaritan woman at the well in John 4, He makes in verse 22 a deep observation in His answer to her: “You Samaritans worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews.”

Will Annexation to Israel Bring Greater or Less Security?

Will Annexation to Israel Bring Greater or Less Security?

We stand just weeks after celebrating that the Balfour Declaration of 1917 moved from a statement of British intent, to the legal process of affirmation of the Jewish Homeland at the San Remo Conference in April 1920—and its then formal ratification by the League of Nations.

The Coronavirus Sabbath Rest

The Coronavirus Sabbath Rest

With the global sweep of the coronavirus pandemic, our world has suddenly changed. Normal life is no longer normal and probably never will be again. The planet is undergoing violent shakings of illness and death with a massive economic fallout that leaves us all reeling. However, there are positives that have come out of this worldwide wake-up call.

Benjamin ‘Bibi’ Netanyahu: From Commando to Commander

Benjamin ‘Bibi’ Netanyahu: From Commando to Commander

Dr H. V. Evatt (Australia) president of the United Nations welcomed Israel as a UN member May 11, 1949 at 3p.m. Fifty four Governments, including forty-five Members recognised Israel in their vote. Fifty years before Theodore Herzl envisaged the Jewish state. This UN decision was seen as ‘awesome’, ‘significant’ and an acknowledgement of  international ‘equality.’