Israel is Far More than the“Canary in the Coalmine”

May 11, 2024
Israel Holding back Radical Islam and Social Marxism from Western Civilization

The Israel versus Hamas war is not a regional conflict as some would proclaim, it has well and truly spilled out onto the global stage. For example, due to the Iranian backed Houthis based in Yemen firing rockets and deploying drones against regional shipping, the Persian Gulf is now almost devoid of ships. Despite Allied naval escort, shipping is severely curtailed in the Suez Canal as well, the USA could wipe out those batteries in Yemen, but are afraid of escalating the war and some analysts fear we are perilously close to WW3.

I have heard many pastors and commentators, including Dr Jordan Peterson say in recent times that Israel is the “canary in the coalmine”. First, let us have a look at what this metaphor means. In the 19th and early 20th centuries, canaries were used in coalmines to detect dangerous gases particularly carbon monoxide that often was released underground, the canary being more susceptible to these gases would die before fatal levels for miners eventuated. They were in fact a sacrificial early warning system for the miners as soon as the canary succumbed it was time for immediate evacuation.

Martin Niemoller the brave German pastor who stood courageously against the Nazis, in essence prophetically proclaimed, “First they come for the Saturday people and then they come for the Sunday people. So, in other words, the canary is Israel, and the coalmine is Western Civilisation, based on its Judeo-Christian foundations.

Israel in the Vanguard of the Battle for Civilisation

However, the canary in the coalmine although orientating us in the right direction, does not go nearly far enough. Israel is not a passive sacrificial canary waiting to be overcome by poisonous gas. Israel is waging war, not just for her own survival but in a very real sense for us as well, it is a vicarious battle for civilisation that is being waged currently. Dr Gal Amir, research fellow in law at Haifa University and noted author said, “If we lose this war, 7 October will come to you as well. Many in the media exclaim that we must not judge Islam by what we see with Hamas. So is Hamas just a fringe group of Islamists unrelated to the vast body of Islam, I think not. Recent polls show the vast majority of Palestinians supported the bloodbath of 7 October, when hostages bruised and bloody were paraded through Gaza city as trophies of their conquest, there was widespread jubilation from the citizens of Gaza. As was the jubilation in major cities around the world by pro Hamas supporters, including Sydney. In most cases it seems a ‘moderate’ Moslem would be more accurately described as a ‘lapsed’ Moslem.

Israel is waging war, not just for her own survival but in a very real sense for us as well, it is a vicarious battle…

The Australian National Security Organisation lists 27 terror organisations on its website, 25 are Islamists. Hamas is just one of many streams that flow into the vast dam of militant Islam that threatens to burst through the dam wall that is holding it back from engulfing the West. That wall is Israel and they are us.”

Red, Green Alliance

According to Mark Silinsky of the United States Army War College, “Islamo-leftism is an alliance of Islamists and leftists in opposition to Western values that can also be referred to as the ‘red-green axis’, red for Social Marxism, green for Islam. This type of alliance is known in political warfare as a ‘crossover’ where two groups previously hostile to one another form a union of convenience to achieve a common goal namely in this case the collapse of the West. We saw this in WW2 with Britain forming an alliance with Stalin’s communist Russia to defeat Hitler, the classic case of my enemy’s enemy is my friend.

Former Leftist radical David Horowitz and author, refers to this strange incoherent coalition in his New York Times best seller, The Unholy Alliance a very apt title indeed. The number of left-wing students including a university professor joining forces with that infamous antisemitic protest on the steps of the Opera House was most concerning, as is the rise of antisemitism in academia, the media and sadly in much of the political class. This is a most formidable alliance, and as Christians we must stand with our Jewish brethren in this existential battle. As disparate a group that this red/green alliance may seem to be, make no mistake they are welded together by their white-hot hatred of Israel. Israel the august God ordained community into which we have been grafted therefore it is our duty to stand resolutely in support of this heroic battle. The graphic above says it all.



  • Barry Rodgers

    The Australian Light Horse Association Ltd is a non-profit organisation, whose aim is to preserve the history and tradition of the Australian Light Horse and its predecessors.

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