Middle East War – Is Biblical Prophecy Being Fulfilled?

January 15, 2025
Israeli soldiers operating in a village in southern Lebanon. | Photo: Chaim Goldberg/Flash90
Israeli soldiers operating in a village in southern Lebanon. | Photo: Chaim Goldberg/Flash90

Just over two months ago, at the beginning of October, the Jewish people began the year 5785 in the Hebrew calendar. By that time the State of Israel had been fighting an existential war on seven fronts for a whole year – in Gaza, in Lebanon, in Syria, in Iraq, in Yemen, in Iran – but also within its own historic heartland of Judea and Samaria.

The last two weeks of 5784 saw a spectacular turning on the Lebanese front, for which the Lord must have the glory – even if Israeli ingenuity played a major part. That, by the way, is a God-given talent. First there was the exploding pagers and walkie-talkies which seriously wounded up to 3,000 Hezbollah operatives, and killed a dozen or so. Then there was a precision air-raid in southern Beirut which took out at least a dozen top Radwan commanders in Hezbollah’s elite force. The Israeli air-force successfully eliminated hundreds, if not thousands of Hezbollah’s rocket launchers and projectiles aimed at Israel. Then on 27th September, as PM Benjamin Netanyahu’s addressed the UN General Assembly, the Israelis delivered the most devastating blow of all – the elimination of Hezbollah’s supreme leader, Hassan Nasrallah. The entire command structure of Hezbollah was completely decapitated. The Ayatollahs in Iran were left with no-one to talk to. The war in Lebanon continues as the IDF uncover even more attack tunnels in the south – indeed the elite Radwan force was planning a similar invasion and massacre to the one Hamas undertook on October 7, 2023. At the time of writing some 80% of Hezbollah’s stockpile of rockets, drones and missiles has been destroyed.

In Gaza the head of the Hamas snake was cut off with the killing of its leader there, Yahya Sinwar. Nevertheless, the IDF faces an ongoing extensive mop-up operation until Hamas is completely destroyed as a terrorist fighting force, and the remaining hostages are brought home. These have been Israel’s two goals since the day after the worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust. This achievement has been compromised by the Biden/Harris Administration in the US from the start, which has protracted the war unnecessarily and, as a result, added to the overall death-toll on both sides. So much for a President who calls himself ‘a Zionist’ and pledges ironclad support for the Jewish State. However, the Biden/Harris Administration obstruction has not been the only contributor to the deaths of countless Palestinians and the Israelis who have been killed in action. Many other Western nations have been responsible, not least the United Nations. In reality, Israel is fighting its existential war on an eighth front.

The Eighth Front – the United Nations and its Associated Bodies

On 18th September the UN General Assembly passed a resolution, tabled by the invented ‘State of Palestine’, that Israel’s presence in the so-called ‘Occupied Palestinian Territories’ is illegal. Moreover, the resolution demanded that Judea, Samaria and the Old City of Jerusalem, which is both the ancient and modern capital of Israel, be ethnically cleansed of its Jewish population. In addition, the resolution called on all nations to facilitate that end.

This resolution follows on from the Advisory Opinion issued by the International Court of Justice in July, which effectively declared that Israel’s presence in its historic heartland was a violation of international law. It should be noted that four of the 15 judges of the court dissented from the Opinion, among them the court’s Vice-President, Julia Sebutinde who, from a legal standpoint, tore it to shreds and stated that she believed that, from the outset, the court should have refused the UN General Assembly’s request for this Advisory Opinion. For those of you who have seen Whose Land? Part Two – The Law of Occupation and the Status of Jerusalem (Episode 16 on our YouTube channel at https://YouTube.com/@whoseland) – you will understand that the ICJ’s previous Advisory Opinion of 2004 was completely corrupt, and this one is no different. For further information about the latest Advisory Opinion I recommend Thinc.’s publication Fatally Flawed.

The Spiritual Ramifications of the ICJ Opinion and the UN Resolution

So, what is going on here? Could we be seeing an ancient prophecy going back more than 2,500 years being fulfilled? ‘O mountains of Israel, hear the word of the LORD! Thus says the Lord GOD: “Because the enemy has said of you, ‘Aha! The ancient heights have become our possession’ … Behold, I have spoken in My burning jealousy against the rest of the nations and against all of Edom, who gave My land to themselves as a possession, with wholehearted joy and spiteful minds … behold I have spoken in My jealousy and My fury, because you have borne the shame of the nations … I have raised My hand in an oath that surely the nations that are around you shall bear their own shame. But you, O mountains of Israel … indeed I am for you, and I will turn to you, and you shall be tilled and sown.” (Selection from Ezekiel 36: 1 to 9)

The UN General Assembly Resolution of 18th September that called for a judenrein ‘State of Palestine’ in Judea and Samaria – described in Ezekiel chapter 36 as ‘the mountains of Israel’ – was overwhelmingly passed by a majority of 124 nations to 14, with 43 abstentions. Shamefully both Britain and Australia did not support Israel, and abstained. Most, if not all the nations, whether they voted for or against the resolution, or abstained, would know that the PLO/PA has no intention of living peacefully side-by-side with the Jewish State, but seeks its destruction. It’s there in black-and-white in the PLO Founding Charter, and remains there to this day. Worryingly, even those nations who have made peace with Israel – including those who signed the Abraham Accords – voted for the resolution. It appears that the nations of the world have made themselves enemies of not only Israel but, more significantly, enemies of the God of Israel. The Lord in the passage quoted above speaks of His fury with those nations who have purported to have taken possession of what He declares to be “My land” (Ezekiel 36:5) “with wholehearted joy and spiteful minds.”

Let’s look at another prophecy which is well-known among Christians who love Israel: “And it shall happen in that day that I will make Jerusalem a very heavy stone for all peoples; all who would heave it away will surely be cut in pieces, though all the nations of the earth are gathered against it.” (Zechariah 12:3)

Politically speaking, there is no doubt that the vast majority of nations are gathered against Jerusalem. (Other prophecies at the end of Zechariah tell us that one day it will be an all-out military assault which will lead to the Lord’s actual return). They are trying to disinherit the Jewish people of their ancient capital city, which the Lord has declared to be His dwelling place (Psalm 132: 13 & 14 and Zechariah 8: 2 & 3). Another favourite passage among Christians who love Zion is Psalm 2 – all of it.

The God of Israel is on the Throne!

If we are indeed seeing these prophecies being fulfilled before our eyes – even if it is not yet the ultimate fulfilment – are we actually going to see the Lord vent His deep displeasure?

If so, what could this mean? Will He use Israel to achieve His purposes? Read what the Lord said about those nations who have their evil eye on Zion: The LORD will redeem you from the hand of your enemies. Now also many nations have gathered against you who say, “Let her be defiled, and let our eye look upon Zion.” But they do not know the thoughts of the LORD, nor do they understand His counsel; for He will gather them like sheaves to the threshing floor. “Arise and thresh, O daughter of Zion; for I will make your horn iron, and I will make your hooves bronze; you shall beat in pieces many peoples …” (Micah 4: 10b to 13a). Elsewhere in Scripture the Lord describes Israel as His battle-axe and weapon of war, and will use them to destroy kingdoms (Jeremiah 51:20). Israel has been at war for well over a year now. It is a war that Israel didn’t start – it was thrust upon her with the intention of destroying her.

Are we about to see a seismic change to the geopolitical map of the Middle East? We have seen Hezbollah badly degraded. We have seen Hamas pulverised. The evil regime in Tehran has been seriously humiliated and have now reached the conclusion they can’t rely on their proxies to destroy Israel and will have to do it themselves. On the night of 1st October Tehran fired an estimated 181 ballistic missiles at Israel with minimal damage. One ‘Palestinian’ in Jericho was killed by a falling missile case that had been neutralised by Israeli air defences. Israel responded later in the month, and although they left Iran’s nuclear facilities and revenue-generating oil-fields and refineries intact because of intense pressure from the Biden/Harris Administration, they seriously damaged Iran’s air defences and missile factories. The Ayatollahs were given the message that Israel can attack them with impunity, and that will undoubtedly happen, if it hasn’t already done so by the time you read this. Even though it is racing towards nuclear capability, is the evil regime in Tehran awaiting the Lord’s judgement (Jeremiah 49:35) in which He says He will break ‘the bow of Elam’? Could that refer to the Ayatollahs and the IRGC, who oppress their own people so cruelly and who wreak such havoc, death and destruction across the Middle East?

Then there is the ‘Palestinian’ question, which the world is so obsessed with – egging them on to possess not just the mountains of Israel, but the whole of Eretz Israel from “the river to the sea.” Of course, Israel is not going to comply with either this UNGA Resolution, or with the ICJ Opinion. If the Lord is as furious with Israel’s enemies as He says He is – and there is no reason to doubt it – then the Lord, in His mercy, could well give Israel the opportunity once again to take possession the whole Land of Israel – that is to exercise full sovereign jurisdiction and rule – from “the river to the sea”. As I have written in a previous article, taking possession of the whole Land of Israel is a command of the Lord. (See Deuteronomy chapter 7 and especially verse 17).

Now, with the pathetic – some might even say ‘evil’ – Biden/Harris Administration coming to an end in January, and President Donald Trump re-entering the White House with his Vice-President Elect, JD Vance, Israel hopefully will have four years respite from undue USA interference. There is no doubt that the previous Trump Administration was the most friendly to Israel in history.

But what about the United Nations? Donald Trump undoubtedly sees this organisation for what it is: corrupt to the core and useless – and rather than upholding its Founding Charter to foster peace and stability among the nations, it has openly sided with the ‘Axis of Evil’. Will we see Zechariah 12:3 fulfilled as this monstrous conglomerate of nations seeks to ethnically cleanse the Jewish people from their ancient capital city and Biblical heartland? Will the Lord effectively cut them in pieces?

The Day of the Lord is approaching, possibly quicker than we realise.


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