
Is the Church Asleep on Watch?

Is the Church Asleep on Watch?

When I was in the army on patrol after arriving at our designated camp for the night, we would immediately set up our defensive perimeter and in conjunction with this, set up what was called a picquet line.

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Jew and Gentile—One in Messiah

Jew and Gentile—One in Messiah

Have you ever asked the question, “Why do I believe what I believe?” This is not a new question and is often asked to help define the relevancy and purpose of one’s faith.

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The Torah Shall Go Forth From Zion

The Torah Shall Go Forth From Zion

The prophet Isaiah foresaw a future day when Messiah would rule from Jerusalem. “Now it shall come to pass in the latter days that the mountain of the Lord’s house shall be established on the top of the mountains

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When the Sword Comes…

When the Sword Comes…

As we see the war in Israel drag on for several months, it can be wearying, not only for the soldiers and their families but also for the intercessors.

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The Resurrection of the Dead

The Resurrection of the Dead

Our Bible is a big book. It starts in the first two chapters describing the account of God creating the world and then creating the first man and woman and putting them in the Garden.

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Replacement Covenantology

Replacement Covenantology

Have you heard of the term Replacement Theology? I’m sure you are familiar with this term, but it is the idea that the Christian Church has replaced the nation of Israel in God’s plan.

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The Mysterious Altar

The Mysterious Altar

Miphkad Altar, part of Yom Kippur – Heb 13:10. Jesus fulfilled sacrifices, guiding Christians to a spiritual altar of praise, thanksgiving, and good deeds.

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