Day of Atonement

Responding to the End Times

Responding to the End Times

In the wake of the 7 October terror attacks, the nations of the world are increasingly turning against Israel. While it is both surprising and appalling to see Israel’s western neighbours pour condemnation over her …

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The Mysterious Altar

The Mysterious Altar

Miphkad Altar, part of Yom Kippur – Heb 13:10. Jesus fulfilled sacrifices, guiding Christians to a spiritual altar of praise, thanksgiving, and good deeds.

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A Mandate from Heaven

A Mandate from Heaven

How amazing that in 1980, God asked a group of praying Believers residing at the time in Jerusalem to be His agents of fulfilling prophecy.

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How Can I Hasten Jesus’ Return?

How Can I Hasten Jesus’ Return?

Micah 4:2 speaks of a coming time when both Jews and Gentiles will go up together as brothers, united in Messiah, to Jerusalem. We will hear the Messiah and learn from Him about His ways, and walk in His paths.

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The Prophetic Yom Kippur War

The Prophetic Yom Kippur War

This year marks the 45th anniversary of the dramatic Yom Kippur. The Yom Kippur war is not only a powerful story from the pages of history, but I believe it also prophetically foreshadows an even greater war to come—while also pointing to the means of deliverance and victory. Caught Napping On October 5th, 1973 the Egyptian army on the West bank of the Suez Canal were drawn up in full battle array with bridging equipment and rubber boats for crossing the Canal. The Egyptian side of the Suez was bristling with 100,000 troops, 1350 tanks and 2000 artillery pieces and heavy mortars. Meanwhile the Israeli side of the border barely numbered 450 aging reserve troops, 44 artillery pieces and only 3 tanks! The border with Syria was in an even worse situation with the Israeli troops and tanks outnumbered in even greater numbers. The thin line of Israeli tanks and troops on the Golan was all that separated the civilians of the Galilee region from the incoming armada of Syrian troops and tanks. The surprise attack caught Israel napping. The seemingly all-knowing Israeli intelligence community had been completely blindsided by the attack. Israel’s frontline soldiers were therefore unprepared for the […]

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