
Time to reform the United Nations

Time to reform the United Nations

If you haven’t experienced the epic congestion of New York during United Nations week, count yourself lucky. If you have, you know the inverse correla…

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Weekly Update: Dependent on God

Israel is fighting a war on seven fronts for its survival. Its main enemy is the revolutionary regime in Tehran – the radical Shiite Mullahs who hijacked Iran in 1979. Their goal is to destroy the west, and to export their revolutionary Islamic ideology around the world. This regime attacks Israel directly but operates through its many allies and proxies in the region. Its most important proxy is Hezbollah, in Lebanon.

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Imputing the Crime of Cain to Abel

Imputing the Crime of Cain to Abel

Late December 2023, South Africa brought proceedings in the International Court of Justice (ICJ) under the Genocide Convention, claiming that Israel is a racist apartheid entity that is trying to eliminate the Palestinians

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