The Jewish holiday of Purim and the biblical feast of Pesach provide us with some valuable insights into the miraculous ways of God.
Do This In Remembrance of Me
Do you remember the profound words of Yeshua (Jesus) during Passover (Aviv 14), as he dined with his disciples? He urged, “Do this in remembrance of Me.”
A Mandate from Heaven
How amazing that in 1980, God asked a group of praying Believers residing at the time in Jerusalem to be His agents of fulfilling prophecy.
How Can I Hasten Jesus’ Return?
Micah 4:2 speaks of a coming time when both Jews and Gentiles will go up together as brothers, united in Messiah, to Jerusalem. We will hear the Messiah and learn from Him about His ways, and walk in His paths.
The Original “Gospel”and the Jubilee
When we hear the word ‘gospel’ today, we tend to think of the basic message of Christianity; namely that mankind is separated from God through sin and that Jesus paid the penalty for our sin through His death, burial and resurrection.
Understanding the Feasts of the Lord
For centuries there has been controversy, particularly in Gentile Christian thinking regarding the Biblical feasts and festivals that the Jewish people have upheld for millennia and by way of contrast, what most Christians have upheld traditionally in Sunday observance and Christmas and Easter celebrations. The origins of the Jewish feasts are clear and precise in scripture as being God given, Holy convocations (special assemblies) which were intended by Him to be eternal. Most Christians have dismissed these God- given festivals as Old Testament and only for Israel and many believe that if New Testament believers should observe them in any way, we could be placing ourselves under law and in effect negate the New Covenant bene ts in our lives. If we believe that the Body of Christ (Messiah) is consistent with Paul’s description in Ephesians 2, we should at least be looking for a level of mutual understanding on these important issues with our Messianic brethren. Firstly let us look at the festivals which God introduced and called His own from Leviticus 23 THE FEASTS OF THE LORD… SABBATH / SHABBAT “And the LORD spoke to Moses, ‘Speak to the children of Israel, and say to them: The feasts […]