The recent visit by Qatari Prime Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani to Australia marks a pivotal shift in Australian foreign policy, re…
Thoughts from Cookie Schwaeber-Issan
Prayer for Israel – Australia has a long association with Cookie Schwaeber-Issan. Cookie is the granddaughter of European Jews who arrived in the US b…
From the Battleground of Gaza, to the Battleground of the Mind
Last year, I had the opportunity to converse with a prominent Israeli civil servant, during which I expressed my aspirations for my academic career to serve Israel’s public image amid a challenging international landscape.
Why Israel and the West CannotBeat Hamas Militarily
Hamas is not an organisation. Hamas is better described as an organism not an organisation, and dealing with it at an organisational level just won’t work.
Israeli-Saudi Normalisation Shouldn’t be Made Conditional
US seeks global realignment, negotiating ‘Abraham Accord’ with Saudi Arabia, pressuring Israel for Palestinian state acceptance for relations normalization.
From Exile to Restoration (Part 1)
In 2023 Jewish and Christian peoples the world over are celebrating the 75th anniversary of the establishment of the State of Israel.
Join us in defending Israel!
The Hague Initiative for International Cooperation (thinc.) is a global network of international law academics, practitioners and experts in related disciplines (history, religion etc.). thinc. was founded in 2017 in The Hague, with the assistance of Christians...
Explainer: What on Earth is Going on in Israel? Two Months After Election Earthquake, Tsunami Roils Israeli Politics
Two Months After Election Earthquake, Tsunami Roils Israeli Politics. On January 19, Israel’s Supreme Court barred a member of the new Netanyahu government
A Definitive 5th Election Reveals 3 Intergral and Ongoing Issues for Israeli Politics
This most recent Israeli election, the fifth in the current cycle, proved to be quite different from the previous four, not only in producing a definitive result, but with the campaign itself. It began the same, however along the way expanded into not only a ‘for or...
The Same Palestinian Narrative Continues: “Either us or the Zionists”
September 2018 marks twenty-five years since Oslo and that famous handshake on the White House lawn by Prime Minister Rabin and Chairman Arafat under the patronage of President Bill Clinton. And a lot will be written about this anniversary. The one undeniable truth over this period has been the disenchantment of those who supported Oslo and who had believed that finally the Palestinians were going to reverse their original mantra as expressed in 1921 by the Palestine Arab Executive Committee when they said: “Either us or the Zionists. There is no room for both.” Those in Israel who still support the principles of Oslo and yearn for a Two State solution, understand where the fault lies for it not yet occurring. AB Yehoshua who was at one time on the Meretz list running for the Knesset, said in an interview in Ha’artez that: “Yasser Arafat first misled the world when he said he wanted a secular, pluralistic and democratic state and then trampled the Oslo Accords with terror attacks.” Yehoshua also blamed Arafat’s successor, Mahmoud Abbas, for “rejecting Israel’s land-for-peace offer in 2008”. Einat Wilf a former Labour MK, in a recently published book says that her party’s assumption in […]
New State Law! Nothingburger!!!
Last July 19 the Israel Knesset passed the Nation-State Law 62-55. Opinion, argument and comments came quickly. Frankly, the wording of the Bill simply summed up values known for 70 years. The founding fathers proclaimed ‘the establishment of a Jewish State in Eretz Israel May 14, 1948. It was to be known “as the state of Israel”’. Everyone who has become residents of the land since 1948 has clearly known the Jewish status and cultural significance of the Jewish national tradition. The Basic Principles are listed in the Law first. A) The land of Israel is the historical homeland of the Jewish people, in which the State of Israel was established. B) The State of Israel is the national home of the Jewish people, in which it fulfils its natural, cultural, religious and historical right to self-determination. C) The right to exercise national self-determination in the State of Israel is unique to the Jewish people. No surprise there! It is also hard to argue with the ‘Symbols “ the Law lists next. 1). The name of the state is “Israel.” 2). The state flag is white with two blue stripes near the edges and a blue Star of David in […]
Israel needs the ‘spiritual ANZACs’ to also be “earthed”
Purpose of this article: To communicate to Aussie and Kiwi Christians who wish to stand with God’s purposes for Israel the importance of being ‘spiritual anzacs’—plugged into the battle for the Land – and pointing to the tie-in with the upcoming elections in Australia. The four years encompassing the 100th anniversarof the Great War (2014 to 2018) have seen a marked growth of pride in the legacy of the ANZACs among young and old Australians and New Zealanders alike. Widely held is the perception that these countries were forged into nations in the terrible furnace of World War 1. By many accounts, ANZAC Day has become a more patriotic event than Australia Day and Waitangi Day respectively. Christians have hardly been immune, and a growing number also hold a Biblical perspective on the subject. Quoting Genesis 12:3—the foundational principle pertinent to those who bless the seed of Abraham—they ascribe the prosperity and peace experienced by their nations since the 1920s to the heroic fighting and sacrifices of the men of the Australia and New Zealand Army Corps; specifically to the fact that their diggers formed the point of the British Empire spear that liberated Israel’s land from centuries of Islamic […]