‘I searched for a man among them who would build up a wall and stand in the gap before Me for the land, so that I would not destroy it; but I found no…
Jews in John’s Gospel: Antisemitism or Culture
1. Background It can be seen as ironic, that from the writings of the one referred to as the Apostle of Love, should come interpretations of hatred an…
Jew and Gentile—One in Messiah
Have you ever asked the question, “Why do I believe what I believe?” This is not a new question and is often asked to help define the relevancy and purpose of one’s faith.
Growth of Messianic Believers
Prayer for Israel (PFI) is an international, non-denominational Christian fellowship of believers. It was founded in the UK by Ken Burnett (OBM) a messianic Jew in 1969 and began as a response to the growing messianic movement in Israel after the Six-Day War in...
The Jubilee and Jesus’ Return
The Jubilee’s trumpet (shofar) signifies hope amid the End Times. It echoes Jesus’ glorious return and the restoration of all things in His promise.
Our Role in Restoring the Torah: A Journey Towards Messiah
Prepare for Messiah’s return by living as disciples and making Jesus known. Explore the Sabbath’s restoration, finding its essence in Jesus as the Lord of rest and peace.
You Shall Inscribe them Upon the Doorposts of Your House
Discover the mezuzah’s role: a Jewish tradition on doorframes, signifying God’s commandments and covenant identity. Explore its history and connection to Jesus, the living mezuzah.
Important Conditions for Experiencing the Amazing Blessing of Our God (Part 2)
In this issue of Israel & Christians Today I am sharing some further pastoral reflections on the Torah portion, or parsha, named Ekev – Deuteronomy 7:12 – 11:25 – which is the 46th weekly Torah portion in the annual Jewish cycle of Torah reading
The Case of the Missing Anointing Oil
Through His sacrificial death on the cross, Jesus has brought us salvation and granted those who believe eternal life. He is rightly called our Saviour, but from a Jewish perspective He cannot—yet—be fully called the Messiah.
Important Conditions for Experiencing the Amazing Blessing of Our God (Part 1)
In this and the next two issues of Israel & Christians Today I will be sharing some thoughts from the Torah portion, or parsha, named Ekev—Deuteronomy 7:12 – 11:25.
The Original “Gospel”and the Jubilee
When we hear the word ‘gospel’ today, we tend to think of the basic message of Christianity; namely that mankind is separated from God through sin and that Jesus paid the penalty for our sin through His death, burial and resurrection.
The Lord Is One
When the Shema is recited by the Jewish people (and Christians), it begins with this statement: Hear, O Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord is one. (Deuteronomy 6:4) Pronouncing God’s name YHWH is considered a sin, so the Jewish people use other words to replace...