The difference between a marital commitment and an amorous affair is like the difference between Australian rhetoric and actual support for internatio…
The Middle East Conflict is Disrupting Australia’s Multicultural Harmony
Since the October 7th Hamas attack on Israel, Australians have been confronted by shocking news. The stories out of Israel are horrendous. Most of the…
“Comfort, Comfort my People”
VMW in Israel supports the community with love, prayer, and aid, creating unity amid crisis and showcasing the global Christian support for Israel.
The Law of Occupation & Status of Jerusalem
Israel has now been at war with Hamas for six months. One would think that the nations that have proscribed Hamas as a terrorist organisation – and in particular the USA, the EU Britain and Australia
Australian Taxpayers’ Money Thrown
UNRWA is the largest aid body operating in Gaza, where it has 13,000 employees, almost all Gazans. Established on 8 December 1949, UNRWA has after three-quarters of a century become a government, welfare provider, and indulgent patron for Palestinians.
7 October Massacre—Another Kristallnacht?
On the last day of Succot – Simchat Torah – the nation of Israel woke up to the worst mass murder of Jews since the Holocaust. What happened that day is indelibly etched on the Israeli psyche and will be for generations to come.
War Diaries: The View from Karnei Shomron
The war has been going on for weeks, and there is no end in sight. While the focus of most of the country and most of the world has been on the war in Gaza, there is another front where Hamas is a real and viable threat against Israel
Fight Like Ittai: A Biblical, Non-Jewish Response to Terrorism Against Jews
If you have kept up with what has happened in Israel over the past few months then your heart is aching for the families of the recent terror victims.
Israel at 75 – A Reflection On Sacrifice
Australian visitors returning from Israel often remark on the energy and vibrancy they experienced during their stay. In our conversations, they share a common impression of their Israeli experience with me
Israel is on Trial in the UN – is there a case for the defense? Part I
In May this year, many Jews and their friends will celebrate the 75th birthday of the State of Israel. The Jewish State has been violently opposed for over a century, since before it was a physical reality, even back while it was still a political idea.
Getting Out the Right Message
In recent weeks, terrorism has grown exponentially. Since the beginning of the year, close to 20 people have been murdered in attacks in Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem.