The Jewish people continue to exist, despite all the persecution of Jews over the centuries, culminating in the slaughter of 6 million Jews in Europe in the Holocaust. God remains faithful to His promises. And not only that. Despite the fact that Israel does not yet serve Him as a whole, He returns His people to their country.
Why Israel Introduction
Hatred Towards Israel
The Church and the nations have a bloody history as far as Israel is concerned. To our shame and misery, and possibly because of it, Satan has used the Church in his attempt to destroy the Jewish People.
Israel and the Church
Many Christians over the centuries, and even today, say that Israel was God’s chosen people until the moment they said “no” to Jesus. And then their place was taken by this new people of God, all those who believe in Jesus. The Apostle Paul, however, demonstrates that this is – and cannot be – the case.
God’s Purposes with Israel
God’s plan with this world is not restricted to Israel. It has been His intention from the start to reach the world through Israel. In and through them God wants to show the world who He is. He has given them His word and through His dealing with Israel the world learns to know Him. In this way Israel shows the world the light of His glory. The purpose of this is that all nations will praise Him.
God’s Covenants with Israel
God has a unique relationship with Israel. He entered into covenants with Israel. They are a permanent connection between God and Israel. The first covenant is the covenant with Abraham. The covenant contains three promises: a land, a people and a blessing. All the other covenants build on this covenant.
God’s Love for Israel
God has chosen Israel and has a covenant relationship with her. “For you are a people holy to the LORD your God. The LORD your God has chosen you out of all the peoples on the face of the earth to be his people, his treasured possession.” Deuteronomy 7:6