Food parcel Update Ukraine

by | Apr 22, 2024 | Videos

In recent weeks we handed out food parcels mainly in the East and South East of Ukraine. Our goal is not only to bring comfort, but also practical help, like supporting soup kitchens, helping with making aliyah, and packing and handing out food parcels. People sometimes line up hours in advance, afraid  that there will not be enough, especially elderly who have endured the Soviet Union.

We hope to be able to distribute food parcels soon towards cities near the war zone, while it is still possible. Think of Sumy, Zaporizhzhia, Kherson, Nikolayev, Chernihiv and then back to Kharkov, Odessa… In the coming months over 10,000 food parcels will be needed. Will you help while it is still possible? One food parcel costs 15 euros. Any amount is welcome!