Enoch Lavender

Enoch is based at Eastern Chinese Christian Church in Mt. Waverley, Melbourne and involved in the leadership of Shalom Israel. Shalom Israel organises regular teaching seminars on Israel and Bible Prophecy in Melbourne and beyond.

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Rebuilding the Temple

Rebuilding the Temple

(this is an excerpt from the newly published book ‘Rebuilding the Temple: Preparing for the Lord’s Return’) Golden Menorah One of the most impressive vessels re-created so far is the Golden Menorah. Featuring prominently just outside the Temple Institute – it proudly faces the Temple Mount where it is hoped that it will one day stand. The Menorah is enclosed in a special glass encasement, which is just as well as it is valued at approximately 3 million dollars! It weighs half a ton and contains 45kg of 24 karat gold. To give you an idea of the level of research involved in recreating the vessels, let me quote from what the Temple Institute writes about the process involved just to recreate the Menorah: “After more than ten years of research and investigation, including an exhaustive study of the halachot concerning the design and construction of the menorah, referencing all the extant sources beginning with the Torah description itself, and including all rabbinical commentary, both halachic, midrashic and aggadic, up to and including contemporary texts; examining archaeological and historical evidence, including extra-rabbinic references and descriptions, (ie. Josephus Flavius); consulting metallurgical experts, goldsmiths, metal workers and electroplating experts, the Temple Institute […]

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How the Six Day War Birthed the Temple Mount Movement

How the Six Day War Birthed the Temple Mount Movement

Looking back at the Six day war of 1967, many remember the emotional pictures of Israeli’s at the Western Wall. On top of the wall, dramatic scenes were also taking place on the Temple Mount itself – scenes which would lay the foundation for the modern day movement to rebuild the Temple. Looking Back at ‘67 On June 6th 1967, the words of Paratroop Brigade Commander Motti Gur resounded across the nation of Israel: ‘The Temple Mount is in our hands’.  Rugged and war-weary Israeli soldiers streamed to the Western Wall towards which the Jewish people had prayed ever since the destruction of the Temple in 70 A.D. Even secular Israeli soldiers who had never prayed a prayer were seen openly weeping and asking their fellow soldiers how to pray. Meanwhile, on the Temple Mount, the Israeli flag was hoisted over the famed Dome of the Rock. Motti Gur held a brigade roll call for his paratroopers on the Temple Mount Plaza itself. Addressing his men that dramatic day, Motti spoke of the heroes of Israel’s past including the Maccabees who liberated Jerusalem and rededicated the Temple in 164BC. Like the Maccabees, Motti’s men had overcome overwhelming odds to return […]

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The Prophetic Significance of Israel’s New National Holiday

The Prophetic Significance of Israel’s New National Holiday

The Netanyahu government is receiving broad political support for a proposed new national holiday celebrating ‘aliyah’ or Jewish immigration to the land of Israel. The motion will set aside the 10th of Nissan to honour the crucial role of aliyah both in the re-birth and in the ongoing strengthening of the nation of Israel. The 10th of Nissan was chosen as many Rabbis believe it marks the date the ancient Israelites first entered the Promised Land under Joshua. While this is interesting, I believe that establishing the holiday on this particular day also has a significant connection to Bible prophecy. 2600 years ago, the prophet Jeremiah predicted that a day would come when the original Exodus from Egypt would be overshadowed by a far greater Exodus ‘from the land of the north and from all the lands’ (Jer 16:14-16). It is therefore very interesting to note that this new annual celebration of the modern day return of the Jewish people falls four days prior to Passover on the Jewish calendar.  Is the stage being set for a celebration of a greater Exodus that will literally overshadow Passover celebrations? The Miraculous Modern Day Exodus National Aliyah Day will be a time […]

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Temple Mount Tensions

Temple Mount Tensions

Photo: Rabbi Yehudah Glick pictured with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu The Terror Attack Which Galvanised the Temple Mount Movement October 29th, 2014 was just another day in the life of Temple Mount Activist Yehudah Glick. The soft spoken red-headed Rabbi was packing his bags into the boot of his car when suddenly a man on a motorcycle pulled up. With anger rising in his voice the man said in broken Hebrew “I am terribly sorry, but you are an enemy of al-Aqsa”. With that he pulled a gun and fired four rapid shots at point blank rage into Yehudah’s unprotected chest. We will hear more of what happened to Rabbi Glick later in this article. While this attack was intended to spell the end for the Temple restoration movement, we will see how it actually ended up galvanising the movement across Israel. A Dream of the Minority A few years ago, I attended a lecture by a practicing Jewish leader. After the lecture, a keen Christian asked him about his thoughts on rebuilding the Temple. His response —which took several of us Christians by surprise—was to explain that he was not at all interested in the rebuilding of the Temple. […]

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