Jill Curry

Jill Curry is the coordinator of the Jewish Prayer Focus ministry and the author of The Anzac Call.

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When the Sword Comes…

When the Sword Comes…

As we see the war in Israel drag on for several months, it can be wearying, not only for the soldiers and their families but also for the intercessors.

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The Mysterious Altar

The Mysterious Altar

Miphkad Altar, part of Yom Kippur – Heb 13:10. Jesus fulfilled sacrifices, guiding Christians to a spiritual altar of praise, thanksgiving, and good deeds.

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Pandemic and the god Pan

Pandemic and the god Pan

Pan, the god of the wilderness, nature, and shepherds from Greek mythology, in the form of a saytr or faun with goat legs and horns, plays his pipes by a pond in a deep green forest. 3D Rendering. Pandemic is a Greek word meaning something relating to all people, not...

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Let My People Go

Let My People Go

God has made a covenant promise that He will bring His people back from the ends of the earth to their ancestral homeland and re-plant them in their land again. 

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A Kingdom Not of this World

A Kingdom Not of this World

We have just witnessed the inauguration of a president in the US who is likely to be far less pro-Israel, pro-life or pro-freedom than the last. Many intercessors, who have believed the consensus of prophetic voices, are disappointed and confused.

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