Beersheba Vision was founded by the late Peter Kentley in 2017 in order to maintain the memory of that pivotal battle at Beersheba in 1917 between the British Empire and her Allies and the Ottoman Empire. As is known, that was the beginning of the end of Ottoman rule in the Holy Land and the modern day State of Israel came into being 3 decades later.
Joy Heylen
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The “New Thing” God is Doing With Jews and Christians
It’s a MIRACLE and a MYSTERY!! A miracle because after nearly 2000 years of the most vile and heinous persecution and murder of Jewish people by people bearing Christ’s name, Jewish people actually want to relate to Christians!
A Love Affair with Judea and Samaria
I have been to Israel many times over the past 18 years and each time seem to draw closer to the Land and people of Israel. In recent years, I have become particularly connected to Judea and Samaria, the Biblical Heartland of Israel and home to the so-called settlements—the most controversial area in Israel today. What many view as illegally occupied by Israel, to me and most Christians—is the heart of the land that G-d promised to Abraham and his children, the Nation of Israel. And the Jews who live there today, do so from a Biblical and prophetic vision. 80% of our Bible is located in this area and is where God entered into Covenants with Abraham, Issac and Jacob. My dear Israeli friend, Sondra Oster Baras, is the director of the Israel office of CFOIC Heartland. Sondra is an orthodox Jew but through CFOIC Heartland, has been reaching out to Christians all over the world, giving them the opportunity to connect and understand the realities of life in Judea and Samaria. Just this past year, I agreed to become CFOIC Heartland’s Australian representative and have grown even closer to Sondra and the amazing work of this wonderful organization. […]