Ron Ross

Ron Ross resigned his TV career to attend Bible College. His life has been dedicated to missions and ministry. After 9 years as pastor at Noosa Baptist Church, Ron and his wife Yvonne moved to Jerusalem. He broadcast news from Israel and the Middle East to Christian networks around the world. He continues to broadcast Israel and Middle East news for Vision Christian Radio on Tuesdays.

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US and Israel Quit UNESCO. Why?

US and Israel Quit UNESCO. Why?

Last year the USA and Israel withdrew from UNESCO (the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization). A persistent volume of anti-Semitic attacks on Israel and the Jewish people escalated a call for action. 

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The Longest Hatred!

The Longest Hatred!

Anti-Semitism has been called the longest hatred. It is evil, violent, and inflicted with shocking incidents. Last October shooter Robert Bowers killed eleven Jews and wounded six during a Shabbat worship time at the Tree of Life, Synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Bowers screamed “All Jews Must Die” during the attack.

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New State Law! Nothingburger!!!

New State Law! Nothingburger!!!

Last July 19 the Israel Knesset passed the Nation-State Law 62-55. Opinion, argument and comments came quickly. Frankly, the wording of the Bill simply summed up values known for 70 years. The founding fathers proclaimed ‘the establishment of a Jewish State in Eretz Israel May 14, 1948. It was to be known “as the state of Israel”’. Everyone who has become residents of the land since 1948 has clearly known the Jewish status and cultural significance of the Jewish national tradition. The Basic Principles are listed in the Law first. A) The land of Israel is the historical homeland of the Jewish people, in which the State of Israel was established. B) The State of Israel is the national home of the Jewish people, in which it fulfils its natural, cultural, religious and historical right to self-determination. C) The right to exercise national self-determination in the State of Israel is unique to the Jewish people. No surprise there! It is also hard to argue with the ‘Symbols “ the Law lists next. 1). The name of the state is “Israel.” 2). The state flag is white with two blue stripes near the edges and a blue Star of David in […]

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Dr Charles Krauthammer –	“A Wonderful Life”

Dr Charles Krauthammer – “A Wonderful Life”

Dr Krauthammer, American conservative commentator and Pulitzer Prize winner, died aged 68, June 21, 2018. In a tribute to Charles Krauthammer, Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu wrote, “I shall always remember you as a fearless fighter for truth, the best of the best our people has produced.” Krauthammer knew all about fighting fearlessly. Born in 1950 the son of Jews who fled the Holocaust, he studied political philosophy at Oxford, but switched to medical school at Harvard. He tried to embrace the family medical history and became chief resident in psychiatry at Massachusetts, General Hospital. Hence Dr Krauthammer! Severe tests came. A spinal cord injury in a swimming pool accident came when he was 22. At poolside were two books he had been reading ‘Anatomy of the Spinal Cord’ and Man’s Fate by Andre Malraux. Confined to a wheelchair, Charles Krauthammer made little of his situation. He learned an acquaintance suffered the same fate. In a letter of encouragement he wrote: “I heard about your accident. I’m so sorry. As you know, I’ve been there. What it required in my case was the simple determination to keep going in the direction I was headed. I found that I could do […]

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Celebrating 70 Years of Israel Reborn

Celebrating 70 Years of Israel Reborn

As Israel prepares to celebrate seventy years did you know:  Israelis, per capita, are the world’s biggest consumers of fruit and vegetables?  Israeli cows produce more milk per cow than almost any country in the world?  Cherry tomatoes were originally developed in Israel, 1973? (  A crossroads of ancient and modern civilizations Israel is captivating and inspiring. When we lived in Jerusalem, we marveled at the ancient walls, the pebbled streets and the cars and camels sharing transport duties in the Old City.  Every nook and cranny of the land has a Bible story. The Biblical feasts arrive at their appointed time. Every week we enjoyed stopping for Shabbat and from the rest and renewal, strength was restored for the energy of life. Now comes Independence Day (Heb. Yom Ha’atzma’ut) on 5th of Iyar (May 14, 1948) According to the variations in the Hebrew calendar celebrations will begin in April (2018) with seventy hours of celebrations. Miri Regev, the Culture and Sports Minister announced, “70 hours of Israel festivity will bring citizens across the country in varied and joyous events.” The frenetic activity will be launched by the biggest fireworks display in the history of Israel. Then comes ‘Israel and […]

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Embrace the Feasts. Enjoy the Lord

Embrace the Feasts. Enjoy the Lord

This is the season of joyful feasts, a time of year where the faithfulness and triumph of the Lord is measured against worldly threats. Jesus used the Feast of Tabernacles to make a profound statement. On the last day of the Feast, He declared rivers of living water would flow from the innermost being of those who believe in Him (John chapter 7) The Feast of Tabernacles, this year in October, is also known as Sukkot (sukkah singular). Most people eat and sleep in the Sukkah. From the fragile sukkah the stars are visible and the occupants are exposed, at least partially, to wind and rain. The conditions relate to their history and the forty days of wandering in the wilderness. In the synagogues the celebrants sing hymns while circling in a procession. The circle is about unity. They dance, hand on the shoulder in front, and shuffle forward while singing hymns. In this formation, they are one. There is no leader, no class. No direction either! They are together linked by choice and wherever they are going, they are going together. Christians Those who ignore the Biblical feasts miss the deep lessons. Christians have the same human emotions as […]

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