An Orthodox Rabbi Reviews the Asbury Revival

April 8, 2023
Ausbury Revival

The remarkable Asbury revival in Kentucky USA, had millions of Christians worldwide glued to their screens to see if this might be a green shoot of a new awakening emerging from what has been a very barren Christian landscape. From all accounts this unexpected unscripted move of God is a genuine outpouring of Gods Spirit, and beginning to spread, may God fan the flame of this revival across the globe. 

An orthodox Rabbi’s view of an outpouring of Gods Spirit

Rabbi David Nekrutman Is described by Wikipedia as an orthodox Jewish theologian, columnist, public speaker and pro-Israel advocate. It must be said Rabbi Nekrutman is no ordinary orthodox Jew and is one committed to developing relationships between Jews and Christians, but notwithstanding this, his views as an orthodox Jew are extremely insightful.  In his interview with Rev. Dr. Michael D. Matlock, Chair of Inductive Biblical Studies and Hebrew Bible scholar at Asbury he was extremely supportive of this move of God. “God is pouring out His Spirit so that you might know Him more profoundly,” says Rabbi Nekrutman.

Being Christ focussed is good for the Jew

Rabbi Nekrutman said in his interview with Dr. Matlock, that he always encourages Christians to be Christ focussed as that is always “good for the Jew.” This profound statement seems a strange and contradictory thing to say by an orthodox Jewish Rabbi. So, what did Rabbi Nekrutman mean, and is he right?  Surely history would indicate the opposite, especially church history that early on regarded the Jews as Christ killers. The charge of Jewish deicide was made by many early church fathers like Justin Martyr as early as the second century. Such accusations of Jewish deicide have not been “good for the Jew,” it fed antisemitism and spurred on acts of violence against the Jews that continues to this day. 

Despite the frustrations that Jesus had with many Jewish leaders and His sorrow over the waywardness of so many of the people you cannot escape his passion for the “children of Israel”. As He gazed over Jerusalem he exclaimed “how I would have gathered you as a hen gathers its chickens.” Jesus exclaims in Matthew 25.40 “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for the least of these my brethren you did it unto me,” Some bible commentators say this is a reference to Mother Theresa type ministries. others such as Mathew Henry say no, this is a reference to the “household of faith” so it is a reference just to the Christian poor amongst us, it surely includes all of these applications, but its primary reference can’t be the Christian poor as there were no Christians when Christ uttered those words. Only the daughters of Zion and the sons of Abraham. So, the Rabbi was right, when we are close to Jesus we cannot but see His love for His people.

It is interesting to note that the new Israeli Ambassador to Australia, Amir Maimon has been a guest speaker at several recent outreach meetings across the country organised by the Southern Cross Alliance For Israel.  These bridge building events between the Jewish and Christian communities, have been held in churches such as Flame Tree Baptist, Nambour, Victory Life Centre Perth, and synagogues such as the Central Schule Melbourne and the great Synagogue of Sydney. At the end of our first meeting in Nambour Queensland, the Ambassador was visibly moved and said, “I am overwhelmed by the outpouring of unconditional love towards me.” I was there and the atmosphere was indeed pulsating with love, I am glad I had finished my presentation, because at that moment I would have been incapable of speech.

We are not in the midst of a great revival yet, but there is a gentle breeze, a “rustling in the tree tops”, for God is on the move, let us rejoice and be glad.



  • Barry Rodgers

    The Australian Light Horse Association Ltd is a non-profit organisation, whose aim is to preserve the history and tradition of the Australian Light Horse and its predecessors.

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