God Has a Foreign Policy Too

March 14, 2020
President Donald Trump
Evan El-Amin / Shutterstock.com

It would be hard to believe there’s a person on planet earth who hasn’t heard of President Donald Trump.

Ok, so there might be some primitive tribes somewhere in the most remote regions of the world who’ve never heard of President Donald Trump, but for the overwhelming majority of the rest of the world, there would be precious few people under the age of 3, who’ve never heard of President Donald Trump. He’s also one of the most polarising people on planet earth and it would be true to say that you either intensely love him or hate him with equal intensity, rarely do you meet someone somewhere in the middle.

What I’m about to suggest is likely going to garner strong agreement or vehement opposition, because it’s in the context of President Trump, but I want to stress that I’m neither endorsing or decrying him. I’m simply putting voice to something that appears to be more and more obvious to me as time goes on.

At the time of writing, the US Senate is hearing arguments both for against the impeaching and removal of President Trump, and the result is as yet unknown to me. It’s most likely, if the majority of political pundits are correct, that President Trump will be acquitted, but only time will tell.

I want to read to you several things that President Trump has done with regard to the nation of Israel. When he was running for the Presidency, he said that Jerusalem was the historical capital of Israel and promised to relocate the embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. He kept his promise.

In 1995, the US Congress passed the Jerusalem Embassy Act, which gave the US government the legal right to acknowledge Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and provided financial allocation to move the embassy there, however, every successive US government from then on, be it the Republican Party (conservative centre right) or the Democrat Party (progressive left), simply refused to enact that US law. That is until President Trump took office.

Six years after King David took to the throne, Jerusalem has been Israel’s capital. Psalm 48:1,8 tell us that the ‘city of our God’ will be established forever. In fact, there are so many references to Jerusalem in the Bible that I’m going to leave a link at the end for you to follow up on yourself.*

My point is this, God has chosen Jerusalem to be His city and it’s the central focus for the people of Israel because it’s where God had His Temple built, and the Temple is important because it was central to God’s interconnection with His people. It’s also the place where the next Temple will be built.

But what about the rest of Israel? Well, the Golan Heights area was originally supposed to be part of the land allotment for the Jewish State when the region was being sectioned up after WWI, but at the last minute the Golan Heights region was taken away and given to Syria. Unfortunately, the Syrians used the heights of the Golan to fire rockets into Israeli farms around the shores of the Sea of Galilee, something the UN did nothing to curb. In the Six Day War, a war of aggression against Israel, Israel miraculously took that land in battle against the Syrian invaders and under international law, that means the land belongs to Israel. The world rejected Israel’s hold on that land, but President Trump understands that Israel’s security depends on them holding that region and has officially accepted it as part of sovereign Israel. See the link below.**

President Trump has also legitimised Israel’s right to build settlements in Judea and Samaria, the area the rest of the world calls ‘The West Bank’. That name by the way, was given to it by Jordan when they illegally occupied it after Israel’s War of Independence in 1949, an occupation that was condemned by the entire world with the exceptions of England and Pakistan. So Jordan illegally occupied and renamed Judea and Samaria, the area known historically and archaeologically as the Biblical Heartland of the Jewish people.

Have you noticed that no matter what President Trump does, it all seems to turn to gold? I read just the other day a list of achievements that he’s been able to bring about in the first three years of his four year first term. Here are some of them:

  • Acknowledge Jerusalem as Israel’s capital
  • Moved the US embassy to Jerusalem
  • Slowed to a trickle the influx of illegal immigrants
  • Has built—so far—approx 100 miles (161km) of the border wall between the US and Mexico
  • Rebuilt in very real terms the US military
  • Fixed in very large part the Dept of Veteran’s Affairs
  • Appointed 2 Supreme Court Justices and 170 other federal judges around the country so far
  • Has seen over 2 million people come off food stamps
  • Passed laws allowing all parents to choose which schools to send their children too
  • Has seen multiple records set for the US economy
  • Lowered taxes to record numbers
  • Ushered in the lowest unemployment numbers for African Americans
  • Ushered in the lowest unemployment numbers for Asian Americans
  • Ushered in the lowest unemployment numbers for Latin Americans
  • Ushered in the lowest unemployment numbers for women
  • Cancelled the appalling Iran deal
  • Major corporations that left the US have now returned
  • There are more jobs available than people to work them, causing pay rates to increase greatly
  • Is in the process of fixing the Affordable Care Act (Obama Care) that saw health insurance skyrocket without the coverage that was needed
  • Passed the ‘Right to Try’ bill for those with terminal illness
  • Destroyed completely the infrastructure of the ISIS caliphate
  • Killed the leader of ISIS Abu Bakr Al-bagdadi
  • Killed the second in charge of ISIS
  • Killed the Iranian terrorist Qassam Soleimani, the world’s deadliest terrorist
  • Secured a 1st step trade deal with China
  • Met face to face with Kim Jong Un of North Korea
  • Made the other NATO nations pay their portion of NATO obligations
  • Ceased funding terrorist nations and terrorist groups in the U.N.
  • Pulled funding (in part) from the UN because of it’s bigotry and mismanagement
  • Is the first US President EVER to speak at a March for Life rally to stand with the lives of the unborn!

There are so many other wonderful things he’s done that I can’t list them all. I’ve included a link for you to check out yourself. ****

Trump Coin

A coin has been struck in Trumps honour which depicts his face next to King Cyrus, As Trump mirrors the actions of Cyrus who declared to the Jewish people in exhile for 70 years that the Lord charged King Cyrus to build the Lord a house in Jerusalem. (pinterest)

Why am I saying all this?

I want to read to you God’s foreign policy.

Genesis 12:1-3, ‘Now the Lord said to Abram, “Go forth from your country, and from your relatives and from your father’s house, to a land which I will show you; and I will make you a great nation and I will bless you; and make your name great and you shall be a blessing; and I will bless those who bless you, and those who curse you I will curse. And in you all the families of the earth will be blessed.”’

All the governments of the earth have official foreign policies, and make no mistake, God has one too. God has stated very clearly, that Abram’s descendants—the Jewish people through Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, were to be given a portion of land, with the city of Jerusalem at it’s heart and to be their capital, a place where God established His own name, and that the nations of the earth who blessed Abraham’s descendants, the Jewish nation of Israel, would themselves be blessed, and the nations who would dare to curse them, would themselves be cursed.

President Donald Trump, regardless of whether you love him or despise him, has blessed the nation of Israel not only with his words but with his deeds and the result —I believe—is blessing on his policies and decisions which is resulting in blessing on the US economy, foreign policy, trade deals and policy agreements with other nations.

The US is—in all areas—absolutely booming at the moment in spite of the attacks and attempts to undermine everything President Trump has done and continues to do. No other president has every experienced the kind of hatred and opposition that President Trump has and in spite of it all, he’s succeeding in spectacular fashion.

It is my personal opinion that when a man or nation—knowingly or unknowingly—stands on the side of God’s foreign policy, God’s blessings will be seen in amazing ways.

* www.letusreason.org/Biblexp194.htm
** www.cfr.org/backgrounder/golan-heights-whats-stake-trumps-recognition
*** www.breakingisraelnews.com/140190/trump-confirms-jewish-settlement-judea-samaria-legal-under-international-law
**** www.magapill.com



  • Mandy Worby

    Mandy Worby is an experienced Israel Tour leader and also the popular radio host of ‘Daytime’ featured on Australia’s national Vision Christian Radio network Monday to Friday 12am-3pm AEST.

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