Jews and Christians on the Fire-Fighting Front

June 25, 2022
A group of Hamas terrorists
A group of Hamas terrorists surround by helium gas containers preparing balloons for their destructive journey.

One of the upcoming challenges faced by Israeli Communities this summer are fires, both natural fires but also increasingly fires started by terrorists. Incendiary balloons and kites have been used by Hamas for the past few years as part of its terror campaign against Israeli citizens. These attacks are not used to target military assets, but rather are meant to inflict harm on Israeli civilians, cause property damage and destroy the surrounding ecosystem.

While they may look like harmless balloons as seen at a fair, these rudimentary weapons can be just burning oil-soaked rags suspended on a cord several metres under the balloons. After five to ten minutes of flight the flames burn through the holding cord allowing the flaming rags to fall to the ground. Others are more sophisticated with explosive incendiary devices that explode on hitting the ground after being released or when the balloons gradually deflate.

Accordingly, the balloons and previously kites, effectively function as long-distance Molotov cocktails that are launched at Israel from a distance. And while the Israel Defence Force are able to intercept many of them, many have nevertheless penetrated Israeli territory. Thousands of acres of bush and crops have been destroyed.

It’s more important than we realise for the Jewish Community to see Christians standing with them

Even as I write this article news has just come through, that Arab terrorists have attacked Jews in Jerusalem with firebombs and fireworks and I fear more, much more is to come.

Enter Christian Zionist Timothy Wainwright, Director of Fire Support Services in Australia. Tim is an expert in both fire prevention and fire-fighting methods, and is currently in Israel with his brother Alan. This is Tim’s second self-funded trip. As well as instructing Israeli communities on methods of fire protection measures, Tim is donating specialised equipment including personal protection equipment. 

The importance of this project runs far deeper than putting out fires.

The old adage, “actions speak louder than words” is particularly true in Jewish Christian relationships. This adage has its roots in the Scripture, “be doers of the word, and not hearers only,” and is one of a hundred verses that declares this truth. It is our works that brings our faith to life and in the process makes Christ believable to those who do not see Christ as we do. It’s more important than we realise for the Jewish Community to see Christians standing with them “shoulder to shoulder” in word and deed.

A practical and tangible way of “blessing Israel”

Those immortal words from Genesis 12.3 referring to the Nation of Israel, “I will bless those that bless you….” are as true today as ever.

Timothy Wainwright
Timothy Wainwright instructs a local community on how to protect their community.
There is a right way and a wrong way to put out a significant fire, Tim shows how.

Beersheba Vision, Bridges for Peace, Christians for Israel plus significant financial support from Dr. David Adler (President of the Australian Jewish Association) have contributed to the “Fire Support” ministry of the Wainwrights. However, much more help is needed for this important practical initiative.

If you are in a position to assist Fire Support Services to purchase pieces of equipment from backpacks to a trailer mounted fire-fighting unit, or similar, we can placard this equipment with your name or organisation that shows in a concrete way to the Jewish communities, the Christian support. They are in particular need of backpack “blowers” worth $2,000 each.

If you would like to contribute to “Fire Support Outreach to Israel,” in any way whatsoever, please contact Barry Rodgers, Beersheba Vision on 0428 662 528 or email 

For more information on Fire Support Services visit

For more information on Beersheba Vision visit



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