The Six-Day War Episode of “Whose Land?”

September 30, 2023
Whose Land - Episode 13 - the Six-Day War
More than half of the funds needed for the completion of the Part Two episodes has been received, and we are pleased to give you a link to Episode 13 on the Six-Day War of 1967, which runs 13 minutes

We have recently released the Six-Day War Episode in the “Whose Land?” documentary series presented by Colonel Richard Kemp.  This is the third of nine episodes that will comprise Part Two of “Whose Land?” which has the overall subtitle “The Law of War and the Status of Jerusalem”.

The opening sequence of Episode 13 is taken from a film I made nearly 25 years ago – “Jerusalem, The Covenant City”.  It graphically documents and carries the emotion of one of the most momentous events in all of Jerusalem’s long history as the beloved ancient capital city of Israel was liberated by the IDF and came back under Jewish sovereignty for the first time in more than 2,000 years.  Because we are aiming at a secular audience with “Whose Land?” we don’t quote texts from Scripture.  Nevertheless, the opening three verses of Psalm 126 explicitly describe that moment in history:  When the Lord brought back the captivity of Zion, we were like those who dream.  Then our mouth was filled with laughter, and our tongue with singing.  Then they said among the nations, “The Lord has done great things for them.”  The Lord has done great things for us, and we are glad.

Could this be a direct fulfilment of prophecy?  I think so.  The late Gershon Salamon, who was among the first IDF soldiers to enter the Temple Mount on 7th June 1967 thought so too.  His interview, which I filmed for “Jerusalem, The Covenant City” is replayed in this episode of “Whose Land?”  Soon after the recapture of the Old City he founded The Temple Mount Faithful.  You will note that a BBC film crew was present with the IDF soldiers as they rejoiced at the Kotel!  Even they were stunned by Israel’s amazing victory in June 1967.  Sadly, that is no longer the case at all as a new ‘narrative’ has been invented. 

Their agenda is to disinherit the Jewish State of their ancient capital city, and even delegitimise their existence altogether.

Which is why it is so necessary for us to make this documentary series – to counter the lies that are propagated through the international media, the United Nations, the European Union and most nations around the world.  Their agenda is to disinherit the Jewish State of their ancient capital city, and even delegitimise their existence altogether.  Inspired by the one whom Jesus described as “the father of lies” they are rewriting history, and they are doing it ostensibly in the name of “international law”.  One of the reasons they are able to get away with this “lawfare” is that very few people understand the principles of international law that clearly back Israel’s legal right of domicile and sovereignty over all of Jerusalem as well as the whole of Judea and Samaria.

Andrew Tucker in Whose Land?
Andrew Tucker in Whose Land?

The first two episodes of “Whose Land?” Part Two – Episodes 11 and 12 – examine something that is left out of the modern-day narrative: the illegal invasion by the surrounding Arab nations with the sole aim of annihilating the nascent Jewish state.  That would have resulted in another genocide of the Jewish people just three years after the Holocaust – had the Lord not intervened, which He did!  The Arab intention was well documented at the time.  Our team of prominent international lawyers, which includes Andrew Tucker, tells us that that the invasion, which was backed by Great Britain, was a violation of Article 2 of the UN Charter, as was Jordan’s subsequent annexation of Israel’s Biblical heartland. Like Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, that occupation and annexation has no justification under any doctrinal principle of international law.

Western Wall 7 June 1967
Western Wall 7 June 1967

In Episode 13, following Israel’s stunning victory in a defensive war, our team of lawyers unpack the legal situation.  Is the repossessed territory “occupied” or not?  Indeed, this question recurs in subsequent episodes as the lawyers scrutinise what obligations UN Resolution 242 actually requires of both Israel and its Arab neighbours.  And then there is the question of the so-called ‘settlements’.  Are they legal or not?  Where did the term “Occupied Palestinian Territory” come from?  What basis does it have in international law – if any?

After a long wait, the completion of the Part Two episodes is now well on the way, thanks to a fund-raising drive by the Australian Jewish Association and others, who have raised more than half of what is needed.  But we still need more.  Once all nine episodes are released we will compile them into a feature-length documentary which will be available for public screenings.

To view all of the “Whose Land?” episodes released to date click here or go to our website at Part Three of “Whose Land?” – subtitled ‘Two-State Solution?’ – is also in the pipeline.  It will not only examine the origins of the PLO, but expose its real agenda: the elimination of the Jewish state.  We will also seek to answer the question, why are the nations of the world so hell-bent on creating a hostile “State of Palestine” in Israel’s historic heartland?   Does it have any justification in international law?  It most certainly has no justification in the Scriptures.  Even though we are not engaging in a study of the Bible in “Whose Land?” we can nevertheless see the nations of the world charging headlong towards the fulfilment of the final three chapters of the prophecy of Zechariah.



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