Your Mission, Should You Choose To Accept It…

January 21, 2023
Eliezer, the servant of Abraham finds Rebecca, a wife for Isaac, Abraham’s son. (Genesis 24:22 Full text: Genesis 24:1-66). Photo courtesy of

Abraham and Sarah lived their lives in response to a call from God. They abandoned everything that they knew, to go to an unknown destination where they would be strangers. They had the faith to believe that by doing so, they would be establishing a nation and that their way of life would be a blessing to all of mankind.

In Genesis 24, Abraham tasks his most trusted servant, Eliezer, with a mission—to find a wife for Isaac. Eliezer prayed to God to guide him, he did not rely on his own wisdom in seeking a bride for Isaac, he sought God’s wisdom.

At the end of the day, we are all on a mission from God.

The world will tell you that true fulfillment comes from designing your own life. To find your purpose, you must decide what’s truly right, and know it in your heart. The world says, “Look after number one, that’s what’s important.”. Look around today, social media is full of people desperate for their five minutes of fame because that’s what they believe the world sees as important and how they find their fulfillment.

Our mission is to seek His presence, to walk before Him in the fear of the Lord and reveal Him to others. God created man to bear His image, to represent Him within the world—that’s our job.

God created man to bear His image, to represent Him within the world—that’s our job.

Hold up Craig, what can I do? I know that you may feel insignificant, and you might struggle with the role that you have to play in the big picture. But you must trust God and you must trust that He knows what He is doing. We are all here because He wants us to be here, and He has a mission for us. 

Let’s take a deeper look into our mission.

Firstly, we are to seek His Presence.

In Matthew 6:33 Yeshua encouraged His disciples to seek first God’s kingdom and His righteousness. There are two things here, the Kingdom and His righteousness. Our goal is the kingdom, the kingdom of heaven, the Messianic Era. So, to seek the kingdom means that we are prioritising attaining the reward of entrance to the Messianic Era.

And how do we seek God’s righteousness? We apply His Torah as Yeshua explained it in the sermon on the mount. To help us achieve this, we need to be spending time studying the Word and the words of the Master. We need to draw aside in prayer, and we need to practice the presence of God daily. 

Secondly, we are to walk before Him in the fear of the Lord.

The fear of the LORD is the conviction that God exists and that He rewards righteousness and punishes sin and that belief in His existence is supposed to inspire us to seek Him. Proverbs chapter 2 tells us that pursuing wisdom will help us in discerning the fear of the Lord.

I know you all know this but as a reminder, we all need to keep a short account with God. When we mess up, we need to repent, come back to God, and get back on track. This is not a common thing today. We live in a world that has no fear whatsoever of the Lord. We must be the antidote to this.  

Thirdly, we are supposed to reveal Him to others.

God’s plan for Israel was that they would bring the nations into relationship with God. Moses urges the Israelites in Deuteronomy 4:5-8 to obey God because the other nations would recognize God through them. Yeshua encouraged His followers in a similar manner in Matthew 5:14-16, the witness of our life is supposed to be a light to those around us. When we focus on being the best disciple we can be, we can inspire others to do likewise.

One thing that can trip us up on our mission is mission drift. We can have good intentions, but we get busy, life happens, people let us down, we fall, and we end up getting off course. Failure in our mission can have consequences. If we claim to be a disciple of the Master yet our actions are contrary to His Word, we can bring God’s name into disrepute and in a worst-case scenario, heaven forbid, we may end up turning people away from God. 

We must consciously work on our mission daily; we need to keep it in front of us. Our words and our actions must align. God has gone above and beyond in helping us. He has given us His Word, His Son and the Holy Spirit—the scales are tipped in our favour!

We can learn so much from Eliezer. He was on a mission that his master sent him on, it wasn’t his own mission. He didn’t seek to gain anything personally while he was out on his mission. He did it without question or delay. He could have presented himself as the head of Abrahams household, yet he called himself Abraham’s servant. He didn’t even seek to partake in the meal set before him until he had settled the business that Abraham had sent him on.

Yeshua calls us to be humble, to be a servant like Eliezer, who, even though he was centre stage in the finding of a bride for Isaac, considered himself only as the servant of Abraham. Eliezer was instrumental in God’s great plan for the nation of Israel. His obedience in fulfilling his mission brought Isaac and Rebecca together and we all know what happened from there!

There are going to be challenges on our mission, but we have God on our side, and He wants us to succeed. A great way to stay on mission is to be involved in a weekly bible study. If you’re looking for a great study, check out Torah Club

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