Whose Land? 2

Whose Land? 2

Whose Land? is a two-part documentary film looking at the legitimacy of the State of Israel in International Law. This unique documentary features in-depth interviews with a team of highly qualified lawyers and historians. It is presented by Colonel Richard Kemp CBE and produced and directed by multi-award winning filmmaker Hugh Kitson. Part 1 of Whose Land? – entitled Foundations (94 minutes) – was released in Australia in August 2017 and in the UK, New Zealand and South Africa in November at the time of the 100th anniversary of the Balfour Declaration. It currently awaits release in the USA and Canada. It is available for live-streaming anywhere in the world through Foundations looks at both the history and the legal issues that led to the establishment of the modern State of Israel in 1948. Included is a demographic snapshot of the Holy Land in the 19th century. What historical records are there of a Palestinian Arab nation whose capital city was Jerusalem? We look at the roots of the modern Zionist movement, a detailed look at the Balfour Declaration and the Paris Peace Conference – and the relatively unknown agreement forged by Arab and Jewish leaders over their territorial […]

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Addressing BDS

Addressing BDS

The European Coalition for Israel (ECI) has recently released its European Report from 2014, which features interviews of Tomas Sandell, Andrew Tucker, and Matthijs de Blois, following the C4I International / ECI conference in Nijkerk in June 2014. Its primary point of focus was the BDS movement, which is rife throughout Europe. ECI is a joint initiative by major international Christian pro-Israel organisations to address the issue of growing anti-Semitism in Europe. The coalition was formally launched in Brussels in 2003, officially cementing long term partnerships. ECI informs political leaders in Brussels and throughout Europe about the complex realities of the conflict in the Middle East. Acknowledging the right for Israel-—the only democracy in the region—to exist within secure borders is a fundamental premise to this conversation. The European Report of 2014 focuses on ECI’s work to counter the prominent BDS (Boycott, Divest, Sanctions) movement. BDS is a global campaign targeting Israel which applies economic and political pressure in attempts to disrupt the state’s exports. The movement’s proponents regularly cite the alleged illegality of Jewish settlements in the Judean and Samarian disputed regions (commonly referred to as the West Bank). Tomas Sandell (Founder and Director of ECI) highlights three major […]

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