In the wake of the 7 October terror attacks, the nations of the world are increasingly turning against Israel. While it is both surprising and appalling to see Israel’s western neighbours pour condemnation over her …
End Times
Jerusalem will never be divided.
All rockets fired at Israel by Hamas carry the name of ‘Al-Quds’, the Arabic name for Jerusalem. Jerusalem has always been the center of attention, not only in the media, peace negotiations and the current war, but also in the Bible. Ultimately, in the end times, the battle is about Jerusalem.
In this interview, Rev. Oscar Lohuis shares his thoughts about the current situation in Israel. How are the neighboring countries affected by their own decisions regarding Israel? How are we as Christians supposed to bless Israel, and what are the Biblical prophecies telling us?
The Jubilee and Jesus’ Return
The Jubilee’s trumpet (shofar) signifies hope amid the End Times. It echoes Jesus’ glorious return and the restoration of all things in His promise.
Jeremiah 30-32
These chapters are famous because they speak about “Jacob’s Trouble” (30:7) and the unreliability and sin of the nation of Israel.
The Seven Messages of the Messiah to the Seven Churches
All around the world there are changes taking place. The vast majority of these changes are not good. This evil is actually preparing the world for an empire that will rule over all the nations. This one world government will eventually be ruled by the antichrist.
The Prophetic Yom Kippur War
This year marks the 45th anniversary of the dramatic Yom Kippur. The Yom Kippur war is not only a powerful story from the pages of history, but I believe it also prophetically foreshadows an even greater war to come—while also pointing to the means of deliverance and victory. Caught Napping On October 5th, 1973 the Egyptian army on the West bank of the Suez Canal were drawn up in full battle array with bridging equipment and rubber boats for crossing the Canal. The Egyptian side of the Suez was bristling with 100,000 troops, 1350 tanks and 2000 artillery pieces and heavy mortars. Meanwhile the Israeli side of the border barely numbered 450 aging reserve troops, 44 artillery pieces and only 3 tanks! The border with Syria was in an even worse situation with the Israeli troops and tanks outnumbered in even greater numbers. The thin line of Israeli tanks and troops on the Golan was all that separated the civilians of the Galilee region from the incoming armada of Syrian troops and tanks. The surprise attack caught Israel napping. The seemingly all-knowing Israeli intelligence community had been completely blindsided by the attack. Israel’s frontline soldiers were therefore unprepared for the […]
End Time Revival: Ruth Hearts, Ruth Nations – An Awakening
Ruth clung to Naomi, saying: “Entreat me not to leave you, or to turn back from following after you; where you go, I will go…” (Ruth 1:14-16) “In those days ten men from every language of the nations shall cling to the sleeve of a Jewish man, saying, ‘Let us go with you, for we have heard that God is with you.’” – Zechariah 8:23 Swathes of expectant Evangelicals are waiting to see—originating in their nations and sweeping all the way to Jerusalem to herald a coming King— a great End Times revival. But what if the groundwork for that revival is already being laid? What if its first signs have been evident, have been coming sharply into focus, for quite some time? What if these Christians are not looking in the right direction? Unless they are, it could take them completely unawares; even pass them by. Have they considered that this revival may go, not from their nations, but rather—as blessing does—to their nations, out of Israel? Do they at all comprehend that the power source for this last great move of God—into which we need to be plugged if we are to be a part of it—is God’s […]
Zechariah 12: Israel’s Imminent Danger
Israel is under an extremely serious, persistent & fanatical threat of total annihilation. Very few people, including most Christians, seem concerned about this, giving neither sympathy or support to Israel and her future. But God is extremely concerned about it. Ignoring Israel at this time will certainly incur God’s powerful wrath. The present situation particularly, in the Middle East, is one of complicated uncertainty. However, two things are certain to happen. Firstly, the predicted attack will happen and secondly, Almighty God will definitely intervene to rescue Israel from intended destruction. What I share with you here is not set in concrete in my own mind. I am still quietly waiting on the Lord for more light, revelation and further understanding on this supremely important subject. However, I definitely believe this state of affairs is worthy of our closest possible investigation. I earnestly invite you to join me in this exploration. Please carefully and honestly study Zechariah 12, particularly verse 10, and also Psalm 83. Ask God to give you clear revelation and understanding of these amazing prophecies given some 3,600 years ago. The fact that they are so vitally accurate after all these years gives extra credibility to them. They […]