
G-d at Celebration of Hope

G-d at Celebration of Hope

7 October 2023, one year ago, was a special Shabbat called Simcha Torah that celebrates the end of the annual Torah reading cycle. In Israel, I was re…

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Time to reform the United Nations

Time to reform the United Nations

If you haven’t experienced the epic congestion of New York during United Nations week, count yourself lucky. If you have, you know the inverse correla…

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Embassy News

Embassy News

Dear Friends, One year ago, on the 5th of October, I drove from Tel Aviv to Kibbut…

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Stories of Faith

Stories of Faith

Following the brutal 1973 Yom Kippur war, Chief Rabbi of Israel, Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau journeyed to New York to visit the Rabbi M. M. Schneerson obm…

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Is the Church Asleep on Watch?

Is the Church Asleep on Watch?

When I was in the army on patrol after arriving at our designated camp for the night, we would immediately set up our defensive perimeter and in conjunction with this, set up what was called a picquet line.

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“Me Too!” Unless… You’re a Jew

“Me Too!” Unless… You’re a Jew

In September 2012, Steven Pinker released his New York Times bestseller “Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined”. The book presents a compelling argument for the decline of violence, particularly sexual violence, through various historical trends in war.

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