Can Australian Christians rally against policies aligning with the Palestinian cause? Urgent action needed to resist government’s anti-Israel stance. #Australia #Israel
Jewish State
Israeli-Saudi Normalisation Shouldn’t be Made Conditional
US seeks global realignment, negotiating ‘Abraham Accord’ with Saudi Arabia, pressuring Israel for Palestinian state acceptance for relations normalization.
The Six-Day War Episode of “Whose Land?”
We have recently released the Six-Day War Episode in the “Whose Land?” documentary series presented by Colonel Richard Kemp. This is the third of nine episodes that will comprise Part Two of “Whose Land?” which has the overall subtitle “The Law of War and the Status of Jerusalem”.
From Exile to Restoration (Part 1)
In 2023 Jewish and Christian peoples the world over are celebrating the 75th anniversary of the establishment of the State of Israel.
Debunking the Lie that Israel is in Violation of International Law
After recent terrorist attacks in Jenin and Samaria, Israel announced the approval of 1,000 new homes to be built in Eli, Samaria… As expected, Israel received harsh criticism from the international community, including the US
Centenary of the Mandate for Palestine:Part 6 – The Spiritual & Prophetic Significance
This series has previously mentioned that the San Remo Resolution, which resulted in the Mandate for Palestine that was ratified in July 1922, enshrined into international law the title deed that Almighty God had given to the Hebrew Patriarchs as an everlasting...
Celebrating Judea and Samaria
Israel is 75 years old. For an individual, that is already an advanced age, a time when one can begin to look back and evaluate a life that began with great dreams and finds itself winding down after years of activity and accomplishments. For a nation, it is a small...
Join us in defending Israel!
The Hague Initiative for International Cooperation (thinc.) is a global network of international law academics, practitioners and experts in related disciplines (history, religion etc.). thinc. was founded in 2017 in The Hague, with the assistance of Christians...
Israel is on Trial in the UN – is there a case for the defense? Part I
In May this year, many Jews and their friends will celebrate the 75th birthday of the State of Israel. The Jewish State has been violently opposed for over a century, since before it was a physical reality, even back while it was still a political idea.
Centenary of the Mandate for Palestine: Part 5 – The Fall-out from British Betrayal of the Mandate
The White Paper of 1939 was effectively an abrogation of the British Mandate for Palestine.
In a fierce debate in the House of Commons, Winston Churchill, who a year later became Prime Minister, vehemently opposed the White Paper.
Explainer: What on Earth is Going on in Israel? Two Months After Election Earthquake, Tsunami Roils Israeli Politics
Two Months After Election Earthquake, Tsunami Roils Israeli Politics. On January 19, Israel’s Supreme Court barred a member of the new Netanyahu government
Centenary of the Mandate for Palestine: Part 3 – The San Remo Conference of April 1920
The San Remo Conference commenced on 18 April 1920 at the Villa Devachan in the Italian Riviera town of San Remo. As previously mentioned, the San Remo Conference was an addendum to the 1919 Paris Peace Conference specifically to deal with the carve-up of the defeated...