Israel has now been at war with Hamas for six months. One would think that the nations that have proscribed Hamas as a terrorist organisation – and in particular the USA, the EU Britain and Australia
West Bank
87 UN Member States Attack Israel
On 7 October 2023, over 3000 Islamist extremists invaded Israel and slaughtered over 1200 innocent persons. It was a brutal attack on the existence of the Jewish State. A similar attack is taking place on a larger but less visible scale within the United...
At It’s Core, Zionism Is All About Jewish Self-Determination
At its core, Zionism is all about Jewish self-determination. Whilst we all parrot those words, at the same time, we rarely fully act accordingly.
Imputing the Crime of Cain to Abel
Late December 2023, South Africa brought proceedings in the International Court of Justice (ICJ) under the Genocide Convention, claiming that Israel is a racist apartheid entity that is trying to eliminate the Palestinians
Israel Must Defend Itself
As Israel battles to remove the threat of barbarism and depravity to her citizens, it beggars’ belief to see what is going on in the world. Western democracies, themselves ultimately under similar threat…
Thirty Years On – The Aftermath of the Oslo Accords
Uncover the spiritual and political consequences of the Oslo Accords in the Whose Land? series. Delve into violations, legal battles, and Israel’s quest for legitimacy
Canberra Styles Israel an Enemy, Israel’s Enemies Australia’s Friend
Can Australian Christians rally against policies aligning with the Palestinian cause? Urgent action needed to resist government’s anti-Israel stance. #Australia #Israel
Israeli-Saudi Normalisation Shouldn’t be Made Conditional
US seeks global realignment, negotiating ‘Abraham Accord’ with Saudi Arabia, pressuring Israel for Palestinian state acceptance for relations normalization.
Debunking the Lie that Israel is in Violation of International Law
After recent terrorist attacks in Jenin and Samaria, Israel announced the approval of 1,000 new homes to be built in Eli, Samaria… As expected, Israel received harsh criticism from the international community, including the US
Israel is on Trial in the UN – is there a case for the defense? Part I
In May this year, many Jews and their friends will celebrate the 75th birthday of the State of Israel. The Jewish State has been violently opposed for over a century, since before it was a physical reality, even back while it was still a political idea.
Israel’s Trees Were Destroyed by the Nations. Now, They’re Planting Trees in the Holy Land
2,000 years ago, the nations began destroying the land of Israel. Now, the nations have the opportunity to restore Israel’s forests. There is a remarkable group of people who can be found in all parts of the world.
Explainer: What on Earth is Going on in Israel? Two Months After Election Earthquake, Tsunami Roils Israeli Politics
Two Months After Election Earthquake, Tsunami Roils Israeli Politics. On January 19, Israel’s Supreme Court barred a member of the new Netanyahu government