Why end times? When people read their daily newspaper they wonder, in what times are we living? Where is this world heading for? What next is coming towards us? You see all these very quick changes in the world; you see the changes in the Middle East.
You see how the regimes in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Syria and Jordan are toppled over. Old regimes are fading away, new ones are coming up. And people wonder, what does it mean? Has the Bible anything to say about all of this?
Signs of the end times. Jesus blames us almost that we cannot understand the signs of the times. Can we understand in what times we are living? The Bible clearly teaches that we are actually living in the end times. Now, when did these end times start?
So, if there are last days, there also will be a final hour, a last hour. What does the apostle John
have to say about this and about the coming of THE antichrist, almost two thousand years ago?
John tells us that we will know that at the end of the days there will come THE antichrist. How do we know THE antichrist will be THE antichrist? What will be his main characteristic?
The spirit of the antichrist is already in the world. The spirit of lawlessness, the spirit of antichrist, the spirit of denial of Christianity, the hatred against Jesus, against the Word of God and against the Christians. It is growing. That is one of the signs of the times that ultimately will lead to the coming of THE antichrist. In episode two more about THE antichrist!