Israel’s Month of Terror

November 9, 2022
Tragic drive-by terrorist shooting of a civilian bus

“Hear my prayer, O Lord.  And let my cry for help come to Thee.” Psalm 102

As we approach the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah, Israel has been shaken with a series of terrorist attacks on soldiers and civilians around the country. The latest attack was a horrific drive-by shooting at a public bus. This was the sixth terrorist attack in less than one week and the 11th in the past month. Since May 2020 until now, there has been a relatively high level of violence. But such an event as a shooting attack from a passing vehicle has not been seen in a long time. 

Anne Ayalon
President, CFMDA

Two heavily armed Palestinians opened fire at a public bus carrying soldiers in the Jordan Valley. One soldier was critically injured with neck wounds and the bus driver had gunshot wounds to his face, while four more had injuries from glass and shrapnel. The windshield showed more than a dozen bullet holes. A unit commander, seeing that the driver had been injured, jumped to the driver’s seat and brought the bus to a halt. He and other soldiers then fired out of the bus window towards the truck. 

The assailants also attempted to throw Molotov cocktails and flammable substances at the bus. Fuel that was carried inside the truck ignited, setting it ablaze. It’s perhaps thanks to this that the attack was not far more grievous. 

The Hamas terror group in Gaza is calling this “a heroic attack”.

MDA and IDF Medics and paramedics treated the soldiers and civilian driver at the scene before evacuating them by helicopter to Rambam Hospital in Haifa, and the nearby Afula Hospital. 

The three terror suspects, all residents of Jenin, were driving a pickup truck with Israeli license plates. Two suspects, including one with an Israeli ID were arrested. Israeli authorities have launched a manhunt for the remaining perpetrator. Roads in the area have been shut down to normal traffic, especially as this past week alone has seen a number of terror attacks. Palestinian gunmen have fired at multiple posts in the West Bank, and an IDF soldier was stabbed near Kiryat Arba.

The IDF continues to crack down on Palestinian terrorism in the West Bank, with a focus on the cities of Jenin and Nablus in “Operation Break the Wave”. “We are in a very complex period. Every month we arrest terrorists who could carry out attacks like these. This is a fact. We manage to thwart some attacks, but sometimes some slip through,” stated a senior IDF commander. 

These terrorist threats leave Israelis feeling exposed and vulnerable. As we pray, let us cry out for Israel’s peace and security. Magen David Adom is needing medical supplies and resuscitating defibrillators for their active medicycles and ambulances that must be available at any time. Donations will equip MDA with the needed medical care to attend the wounded in the field. Israel is grateful for friends and support from abroad. Christian Friends of Magen David Adom encourage Christians around the world to bless Israel in a tangible and meaningful way in a show of solidarity and faith.

If you would like to support your local CFMDA, please send a check or wire transfer to:

Bank: CBA
Account Name: Australian Friends
of Magen David Adom Limited—Christian Friends

BSB: 062124  |  Account: 11389721

We look forward to seeing you here or in Israel and be part of this amazing blessing!



  • Anne Ayalon

    Anne Ayalon is the President of CFMDA, serving for the past 4 years. She gives much of her time to promoting interfaith relations, educating Christians about Israel and the Jewish roots of their faith.

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