Together We Are Solidifying our Australian-Israeli Friendship

May 6, 2023
HE AmirMaimon, Ps Margaret Court and Rabbi Isacc Riesenberg - photos taken in Perth, WA, Feb 2023
HE Amir Maimon meeting with Australian locals after a recent SCAFI event in Perth WA, including Pastor Margaret Court and Rabbi Isaac Riesenberg

2022 was a busy year for me and my wife Tal, which was interspersed with the many professional challenges of a diplomat settling into a new home. However, from the very beginning of my time in Australia, the Christian community in particular has opened its heart to me, and made me feel warmly welcome as Israel’s representative in this wonderful country. Looking back at my numerous engagements with Christians for Israel Australia, I feel that we have embarked upon a shared journey together—and I count myself fortunate to have such ardent and sincere companions to walk the road ahead.

Indeed, this road has already taken me across Australia, to every State and Territory. I can testify that across this land, every point on the compass will eventually lead the way to a true friend in faith—and a faithful friend of Israel. From Perth to Sydney, and from Brisbane to Hobart, I have been humbled and honoured by the hospitality I have received. Like a Biblical blessing of old, you have anointed me with your love, generosity, and heartfelt support. I cannot help but be deeply moved on a personal level by this experience, and I accept this kindness on behalf of the State of Israel and its people.

Israel does not take its friends for granted. A nation that has faced such adversity, for so long, appreciates the value of true friends better than most. As students of the Bible, you will know intimately of the struggles that have beset the children of Israel across the millennia. Indeed, it is a history that is still being written. Seventy-five years ago a modern State of Israel was resurrected in its ancient homeland. It was a historic moment that nearly met with catastrophe, as Israel was immediately beset by foes from all sides. Indeed, the miracle of Israel’s creation in 1948 is only surpassed by the miracle of its survival in the days, weeks and months of fighting that followed. But, Israel did survive, and our people have prospered. And today, for every enemy that seeks to do us harm, Israel can count a friend who stands in solidarity with us. I can personally attest to the fact that the Christian community in Australia is firmly entrenched among our battalions of friends. 

I can personally attest to the fact that the Christian community in Australia is firmly entrenched among our battalions of friends

Still today, Israel must be ever-vigilant to the threats that surround us. However, while our safety is always an overriding priority, our nation’s energies are also directed at ensuring the prosperity of our people and generations to come. Unlike the rich natural endowment Australia enjoys, our desert soil holds few precious gems and minerals. But, through hard work and ingenuity, we have transformed stony plains into emerald oases. Our rubies are cherry tomatoes, which have their origin in Israel but are now enjoyed everywhere; Jezreel Valley olives that shine like drops of peridot; and bunches of Mount Hermon grapes that glisten like clusters of garnets. These are our precious gemstones, cultivated through precision irrigation techniques that make the most of scarce water resources.

While our nation was sustained, and eventually reincarnated, through faith, Israel is also a leader in scientific innovation. The development of world-leading desalination technology has meant that we can replenish our solitary freshwater source (the Sea of Galilee) with pure, drinkable water from the Mediterranean! Indeed, it seems that a land which has witnessed so many ancient miracles continues to inspire its people in achieving the miraculous. It is especially in the domains of science and high technology that Israel makes a contribution to humanity on a global scale, totally disproportionate to its small size. From advancing the boundaries of healthcare and biotechnology, to cyber security and cutting-edge navigation technology. Millions of lives across the world have been improved by breakthroughs made in Israel.

In 2023, I hope to share the story of modern Israel with even more brothers and sisters from the Christian community. But I also look forward to learning more about your passion for Israel, its people, and the significance that the Holy Land holds for you.

On a personal note, I thank each and every one of you for the warm Australian hospitality I have experienced first-hand, without which I would surely have endured much more homesickness! May you enjoy a blessed and prosperous year.

Your friend, Amir.



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