
New State Law! Nothingburger!!!

New State Law! Nothingburger!!!

Last July 19 the Israel Knesset passed the Nation-State Law 62-55. Opinion, argument and comments came quickly. Frankly, the wording of the Bill simply summed up values known for 70 years. The founding fathers proclaimed ‘the establishment of a Jewish State in Eretz Israel May 14, 1948. It was to be known “as the state of Israel”’. Everyone who has become residents of the land since 1948 has clearly known the Jewish status and cultural significance of the Jewish national tradition. The Basic Principles are listed in the Law first. A) The land of Israel is the historical homeland of the Jewish people, in which the State of Israel was established. B) The State of Israel is the national home of the Jewish people, in which it fulfils its natural, cultural, religious and historical right to self-determination. C) The right to exercise national self-determination in the State of Israel is unique to the Jewish people. No surprise there! It is also hard to argue with the ‘Symbols “ the Law lists next. 1). The name of the state is “Israel.” 2). The state flag is white with two blue stripes near the edges and a blue Star of David in […]

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Jerusalem: Magnet for Christian Visits (Part Two)

Jerusalem: Magnet for Christian Visits (Part Two)

In Part 01 of our series about Jerusalem and Christians visits, we learned that the ‘river of pilgrimage’ has been flowing from the very beginning of the church age. Christians constitute the highest amount of sacred visitors to a holy city which is also sacred to Judaism and Islam, too. This growing phenomena in Christian visits is even more remarkable considering that neither Christ nor the apostles command it, and there is more of a spiritual, rather than geographic, emphasis in Christian worship. We also learned why Christians visit Jerusalem. They can be summarised in two key words: Devotion: From the very beginning, Christians have been motivated to visit Jerusalem so that they can ‘walk where Jesus walked.’ Following in the footsteps of the Master is a strong sign of devotion. Education: Pious believers visit Jerusalem because they want to learn more about the Bible. Considering that Jerusalem is mentioned over 811 times in the KJV, it is indisputably the premier city of Scripture.  What is remarkable is that these twin pillars of devotion and education can be applied across the board, to pilgrims from every denomination and every century of the church age.  The Tourism Factor To the ancient […]

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Whose Land? 2

Whose Land? 2

Whose Land? is a two-part documentary film looking at the legitimacy of the State of Israel in International Law. This unique documentary features in-depth interviews with a team of highly qualified lawyers and historians. It is presented by Colonel Richard Kemp CBE and produced and directed by multi-award winning filmmaker Hugh Kitson. Part 1 of Whose Land? – entitled Foundations (94 minutes) – was released in Australia in August 2017 and in the UK, New Zealand and South Africa in November at the time of the 100th anniversary of the Balfour Declaration. It currently awaits release in the USA and Canada. It is available for live-streaming anywhere in the world through Foundations looks at both the history and the legal issues that led to the establishment of the modern State of Israel in 1948. Included is a demographic snapshot of the Holy Land in the 19th century. What historical records are there of a Palestinian Arab nation whose capital city was Jerusalem? We look at the roots of the modern Zionist movement, a detailed look at the Balfour Declaration and the Paris Peace Conference – and the relatively unknown agreement forged by Arab and Jewish leaders over their territorial […]

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Zechariah 12: Israel’s Imminent Danger

Zechariah 12: Israel’s Imminent Danger

Israel is under an extremely serious, persistent & fanatical threat of total annihilation. Very few people, including most Christians, seem concerned about this, giving neither sympathy or support to Israel and her future. But God is extremely concerned about it. Ignoring Israel at this time will certainly incur God’s powerful wrath. The present situation particularly, in the Middle East, is one of complicated uncertainty. However, two things are certain to happen. Firstly, the predicted attack will happen and secondly, Almighty God will definitely intervene to rescue Israel from intended destruction. What I share with you here is not set in concrete in my own mind. I am still quietly waiting on the Lord for more light, revelation and further understanding on this supremely important subject. However, I definitely believe this state of affairs is worthy of our closest possible investigation. I earnestly invite you to join me in this exploration. Please carefully and honestly study Zechariah 12, particularly verse 10, and also Psalm 83. Ask God to give you clear revelation and understanding of these amazing prophecies given some 3,600 years ago. The fact that they are so vitally accurate after all these years gives extra credibility to them. They […]

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Islam: From Confusion to Clarity

Islam: From Confusion to Clarity

Photo: Protest of 4 November 2015 in Tehran against government of the United States. Photo by Mohamad Sadegh Heydary By early 1981 American embassy hostages held in Tehran were back home. A discreet reception was held for some of them in a suburban home in Northern Virginia, USA. One former hostage, Malcolm Kalp (pictured below), was reported to have said at that meeting, “We still think the Soviet Union is our enemy, that worldwide communism is still the principal threat to our way of life. But the real challenge isn’t the Soviet Union – it’s militant Islam. We have no idea what we are up against”. Three and a half decades later his observation remains accurate on all counts. Mostly only those who have lived within Islamic societies and have studied their sacred texts (Qur’an, Hadith and Sira) can understand what is happening and give some explanation of likely outcomes should the message of revivalist Islam continued to spread unchecked around the world. And spreading it surely is.  Like rogue organisms from some cancerous tumour, cells of fundamentalist Islam multiply and metastasise faster than intelligence agencies can track them. United Nations Secretary, General Ban Ki-Moon said on February 5, 2016 that […]

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Is Syria, an End Times Rehearsal?

Did you know at least one Arab source declares Israel has just seven years before being wiped off the map? Bassam Jarrar, a Palestinian Sunni Islamic scholar published ‘End of Israel 2022’ in Arabic. It was translated by Jarrar wrote the rst draft of his book in Lebanon, after being deported from Israel in 1993. He wrote: ‘Arab Muslims will re-enter the Al-Aqsa mosque for a second time, after destroying the Jewish state… the rst temple was destroyed in 586 BC… the forces that will re-enter Jerusalem will destroy, kill and tear apart everything that comes under their control.’ While some will interpret scriptures and events to suit a particular agenda the late Derek Prince said: ‘One of the major themes of Biblical prophecy is the destiny of Israel. From the birth of Israel as a nation to the final consummation of her destiny, every major stage has been predicted by her own prophets.’ (Prophetic Destinies, Derek Prince, Creation House.) Jesus said He will return to Jerusalem, His holy city. (Luke 21:24) So we can be certain Jerusalem remains and is in Jewish hands on that great and awesome day. Years ago a Syrian journalist interviewed on Palestinian Authority […]

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