Explore lunar cycles and Biblical festivals with Pastor Greg Cumming as he reveals the moon’s role in defining months and its significance in the Biblical calendar.
Jew and Gentile—One in Messiah
Have you ever asked the question, “Why do I believe what I believe?” This is not a new question and is often asked to help define the relevancy and purpose of one’s faith.
From the Battleground of Gaza, to the Battleground of the Mind
Last year, I had the opportunity to converse with a prominent Israeli civil servant, during which I expressed my aspirations for my academic career to serve Israel’s public image amid a challenging international landscape.
When the Sword Comes…
As we see the war in Israel drag on for several months, it can be wearying, not only for the soldiers and their families but also for the intercessors.
The Resurrection of the Dead
Our Bible is a big book. It starts in the first two chapters describing the account of God creating the world and then creating the first man and woman and putting them in the Garden.
Important Conditions for Experiencing the Amazing Blessing of Our God—Part 4
This is my fourth and last article sharing some thoughts from the Torah portion, or parsha, named Ekev—Deuteronomy 7:12 – 11:25—in which we read how Moses encourages the Israelites who are about to cross the Jordan into the Promised Land
The Mosaic Mural at Temple Beth Israel
My father was a Holocaust survivor. Whilst he did not talk about that time it was a pervasive influence on my upbringing. On his left hand were two large blue letters tattooed K L, which meant in German Concentration Lager or an inmate of the Nazi death camp.
Replacement Covenantology
Have you heard of the term Replacement Theology? I’m sure you are familiar with this term, but it is the idea that the Christian Church has replaced the nation of Israel in God’s plan.
Hanukkah, the Festival of Lights: The Light Rekindled
The festival of Hanukkah which celebrates evil forces overthrown and the desecrated temple won back from the Selucid armies, has the delightful tradition of lighting candles each of the eight nights.
Our Role in Restoring the Torah: A Journey Towards Messiah
Prepare for Messiah’s return by living as disciples and making Jesus known. Explore the Sabbath’s restoration, finding its essence in Jesus as the Lord of rest and peace.
You Shall Inscribe them Upon the Doorposts of Your House
Discover the mezuzah’s role: a Jewish tradition on doorframes, signifying God’s commandments and covenant identity. Explore its history and connection to Jesus, the living mezuzah.
Important Conditions for Experiencing the Amazing Blessing of Our God—Part 3
Exploring the Torah (Deut 7:12-11:25): Emphasising obedience as a key to God’s blessings. Learn from Israel and the enduring mercy of our unchanging God.