Exploring the Torah (Deut 7:12-11:25): Emphasising obedience as a key to God’s blessings. Learn from Israel and the enduring mercy of our unchanging God.
The Land, the People and the Scriptures of Israel
Why does Israel matter to Christians? A Gentile Christian living in the Peloponnesian Greek city of Corinth 1,950 years ago would have replied, “I abandoned my gods to worship the God of Israel.
Joshua’s Altar, One of Many Archaeological Sites Facing Destruction in Israel
Joshua’s Altar, a vital heritage site in Israel, faces destruction by the Palestinian Authority. Urgent action needed to protect historical and biblical treasures.
Canberra Styles Israel an Enemy, Israel’s Enemies Australia’s Friend
Can Australian Christians rally against policies aligning with the Palestinian cause? Urgent action needed to resist government’s anti-Israel stance. #Australia #Israel
The Return of the Exiles
For over a hundred years now the world has been eyewitness to a remarkable phenomenon: from a history of almost nineteen centuries of being scattered across the globe, an ancient people is returning to their covenanted homeland.
Debunking the Lie that Israel is in Violation of International Law
After recent terrorist attacks in Jenin and Samaria, Israel announced the approval of 1,000 new homes to be built in Eli, Samaria… As expected, Israel received harsh criticism from the international community, including the US
Fight Like Ittai: A Biblical, Non-Jewish Response to Terrorism Against Jews
If you have kept up with what has happened in Israel over the past few months then your heart is aching for the families of the recent terror victims.
Israel at 75 – A Reflection On Sacrifice
Australian visitors returning from Israel often remark on the energy and vibrancy they experienced during their stay. In our conversations, they share a common impression of their Israeli experience with me
The Seven Messages of the Messiah to the Seven Churches
All around the world there are changes taking place. The vast majority of these changes are not good. This evil is actually preparing the world for an empire that will rule over all the nations. This one world government will eventually be ruled by the antichrist.
Centenary of the Mandate for Palestine:Part 6 – The Spiritual & Prophetic Significance
This series has previously mentioned that the San Remo Resolution, which resulted in the Mandate for Palestine that was ratified in July 1922, enshrined into international law the title deed that Almighty God had given to the Hebrew Patriarchs as an everlasting...
Celebrating Judea and Samaria
Israel is 75 years old. For an individual, that is already an advanced age, a time when one can begin to look back and evaluate a life that began with great dreams and finds itself winding down after years of activity and accomplishments. For a nation, it is a small...
Yom HaShoah Commemoration and Warsaw Ghetto Uprising Remembrance
‘The ruthlessness of the Holocaust and the dignity of Jewish resistance’ - Alex Ryvchin A moving service commemorating the Holocaust, the systematic genocide of European Jews by the Nazis during World War II, was held on Sunday evening 16 April in Maroochydore on the...