
The Six-Day War Episode of “Whose Land?”

The Six-Day War Episode of “Whose Land?”

We have recently released the Six-Day War Episode in the “Whose Land?” documentary series presented by Colonel Richard Kemp.  This is the third of nine episodes that will comprise Part Two of “Whose Land?” which has the overall subtitle “The Law of War and the Status of Jerusalem”.

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Jeremiah 30-32

Jeremiah 30-32

These chapters are famous because they speak about “Jacob’s Trouble” (30:7) and the unreliability and sin of the nation of Israel.

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The Case of the Missing Anointing Oil

The Case of the Missing Anointing Oil

Through His sacrificial death on the cross, Jesus has brought us salvation and granted those who believe eternal life.  He is rightly called our Saviour, but from a Jewish perspective He cannot—yet—be fully called the Messiah.

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And Speak Of Them – ודברת בם

And Speak Of Them – ודברת בם

I have a very good friend who I catch up with every few months for breakfast. We order our food and coffees and then sit down and the conversation starts with something like - ‘How are you?’ ‘How are things with the family?’ ‘’Have you heard the one about the pastor,...

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The Original “Gospel”and the Jubilee

The Original “Gospel”and the Jubilee

When we hear the word ‘gospel’ today, we tend to think of the basic message of Christianity; namely that mankind is separated from God through sin and that Jesus paid the penalty for our sin through His death, burial and resurrection.

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Teach Them To Your Children  – ושננת‭‬ם לבניך

Teach Them To Your Children  – ושננת‭‬ם לבניך

I have seven beautiful grandchildren—six handsome grandsons and one stunning granddaughter. I love them with all my heart… and the thing I love to hear the most is when we sit down for our Friday night Shabbat meal and they say ‘Tell us a story Grandpa.’ And by story they mean a Bible story.

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Your Mission, Should You Choose To Accept It…

Your Mission, Should You Choose To Accept It…

Abraham and Sarah lived their lives in response to a call from God. They abandoned everything that they knew, to go to an unknown destination where they would be strangers. They had the faith to believe that by doing so, they would be establishing a nation and that...

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The Lord Is One

The Lord Is One

When the Shema is recited by the Jewish people (and Christians), it begins with this statement: Hear, O Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord is one. (Deuteronomy 6:4) Pronouncing God’s name YHWH is considered a sin, so the Jewish people use other words to replace...

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